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Hi updated my gbpvr to the latest version and it can not find any of the old recordings that I had in my recording folder, The files are there just not available on the screen, any suggestions?
Did you change your location of the recordings?
If GBPVR for some reason does not find the recordings at any time, it will remove them from its internal database.

Did you upgrade, or did you uninstall first and then reinstall the new version? If you uninstalled, you have removed the database. GBPVR will then start with a fresh database which has no recordings in it.

In any way, if the recordings are gone, there is no easy way to get them back. You'd probably be best off to move them to the location of your "videos" folder, that way you can at least access them from the "my videos" part of the menu.
There's a utility on the wiki that creates an xml file from a directory structure containing mpg files.

The xml can then be imported into gbpvr using the config program ("import recordings" on the plugins tab)
Cool, I hadn't seen that.