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Full Version: tweaking ffdshow transcoding in config.xml
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In the wiki it says that you can tweak ffdshow transcoding in config.xml. The only entry I find in config.xml though is <MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLinePAL>. Is the same line used for the ffdshow transcoding? Or do I need something else manually?

I've searched for this in the forum but could not find it.
I'm not sure which transcoding you asking about in particular.

There is the transcoding that happens when you try to play an AVI file on the MVP. This uses either:
<MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLinePAL>-y -i "{SOURCE_FILE}" -b 2400 -ac 2 -ab 224 -r 25 -s 352x288 -f svcd "{DEST_FILE}"</MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLinePAL>
  <MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLineNTSC>-y -i "{SOURCE_FILE}" -b 2400 -ac 2 -ab 224 -r 29.97 -s 352x240 -f svcd "{DEST_FILE}"</MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLineNTSC>

There is also the auto transcoding that is used for converting MPEG2 files into AVIs etc.
    <Conversion name="XviD" cmd="-y -i {SOURCE_FILE} -f avi -ab 224 -ac 2 -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1400 -vtag XVID {DEST_FILE}" targetExtension=".avi" />
    <Conversion name="DivX" cmd="-y -i {SOURCE_FILE} -f avi -ab 224 -ac 2 -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1400 -vtag DIVX {DEST_FILE}" targetExtension=".avi" />
    <Conversion name="Video Ipod" cmd="-y -i {SOURCE_FILE} -title {TITLE_SUBTITLE} -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -s 320x240 -r 15 {DEST_FILE}" targetExtension=".mp4" />
    <Conversion name="Sony PSP" cmd="-y -i {SOURCE_FILE} -title {TITLE_SUBTITLE} -f psp -r 29.97 -s 368x208 -b 768 -ar 24000 -ab 32 {DEST_FILE}" targetExtension=".mp4" />
    <Conversion name="Mobile .3GP" cmd="-y -i {SOURCE_FILE} -acodec aac -vcodec mpeg4 -s qcif -aspect 4:3 -hq {DEST_FILE}" targetExtension=".3gp" />
    <Conversion name="WMV-1200kb/s" cmd="-y -i {SOURCE_FILE} -vcodec wmv2 -b 1200 {DEST_FILE}" targetExtension=".wmv" />
    <Conversion name="WMV-700kb/s" cmd="-y -i {SOURCE_FILE} -vcodec wmv2 -b 700 {DEST_FILE}" targetExtension=".wmv" />
sub Wrote:There is the transcoding that happens when you try to play an AVI file on the MVP.
It is this one. When you only tick the ffdshow checkbox in the config application, does it also use the parameters in <MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLinePAL>? Or do they only apply, as the name suggests, when you tick the ffmpeg checkbox?
If the ffmpeg open is ticked, the ffdshow setting is ignored.

Both of these settings are removed in the next release, and the default is to use ffmpeg.