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Full Version: Xshare v.01 Alpha
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Xshare is a simple client server file sharing tool that you can connect to your pvr or your friends. Schedule shows (if permitted) download and upload shows.

This is not a bug free release. It is to get people involved and curious probably not ready for the non advanced user.

Phase 2 will probably add some encryption, automation and maybe compression. Also perhaps mp3 support.

This tool is not meant for pirating. It is ment for accessing your shows remotely. Use your judgement.

Source code for now will be on request. At least until it stablizes.

Have fun,

Please post bugs here.
What I like most about your post is when you say connect to your friends pvr, then say its for your shows only Big Grin

But I do like the idea. I think if its been shown on tv once it should be free after that.
I wanted to post a silly disclaimer.

It can be used in whatever way you want to copy shows. I just dont want to be responsible. I will use it if "mostly" if I miss a show access it from a friends.

If it gets a fan base I will do automation so you can automatically get the latest shows from your friends that you are interested in. Right after they start recording.

It is not a bit torrent like system i want it more private than that. I also dont want the negative attention on gbpvr.

I like the idea of the sling box. This is a basic version allows me to access my shows anywhere. The big question is the speed of downloading. Imagine if you can start downloading a show a few minutes after it starts recording. The question is how long would it take to download a 1 hour show.
Just be careful with terminology, wording and phrasing. In some countries this is fine, other countries this is illegal to swap shows, or even use someone elses PVR to tape a show for you.

Accessing shows remotely for download whilst they are recording seems like a neat feature though.

makes sense. I think if it was multi peer to peer that would get into trouble (assuming it was any good). A single user to user is a lot less attention getting. And thus the official disclaimer.
Curious.... I've never used this software, but it seems like it could be used for the same purpose...
kind of. This is able to schedule new shows and cancel shows via the same app. It is also all .net instead of C++ which the rest of gbpvr is net. Also there are legal issues with it since it was released without aol's blessing the employees wrote it at aol. This is free and geared for gbpvr. Not as fancy but can be hooked into a plugin to control it remotely.
cginzel Wrote:Curious.... I've never used this software, but it seems like it could be used for the same purpose...
I have tried "waste" out with a small group of friends. I think having the ability to connect gbpvr's together will open up a bunch of possibilities. Sharing posters, creation of a "check for update" plugin, a send debug info to sub button... The possibilities are greater than if using a generic file sharing tool like waste.
those are good ideas. I thought it would be neat to have it sync your music collection as well. I did write xsearch and embeded it in xshare.
Perhaps we could setup a site (i have a free webhost that isnt used for anything but hosting the odd file or pic) where we could list the shows we reguarly record. Others could then decide to add those people dependant on the shows they record as 'friends' through Xshare?

We could either choose those who record things we want but dont get (ie UK users wanting US shows or vice versa), or those who share similair tastes so if we miss something, they might have recorded it?

My thinking being that we use the website to select friends for a private network, nothing more, which could help to difuse some of the legal issues?
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