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Looking for something to capture Sky to my PVR (so need an IR blaster too). What's the current thinking, a PVR-150?

ta Smile
I would get the pvr150 mce kit version and use hip to control the blaster in gbpvr.
Just make sure that your STB is supported by the pvr-150's blaster (or can HIP fix that if it's not?)
Thanks, that's what I was thinking.

Do some of the sky stb's use different IR codes then? I'd assumed they'd all be the same as the sky remotes are all universal. It's a fairly new pace box I think...
I have no idea. Hauppauge probably supports sky boxes. I just wanted you to make sure so you don't get stuck Smile They have a list somewhere on their site.
ok thanks, I'll check Smile
The pvr150 mce kit uses microsoft's ir blaster with a hauppauge branded mce remote. The pvr150 is different it has the hauppauge ir blaster and remote. The pvr150 mce version (notice the kit bit missing from the title) has neither remoter or ir blaster.
Ah. I was confused.
so would I be better off with the pvr150 mce kit or the pvr150? I'm guessing the non MCE one?
I have the retail pvr150 with it's own ir tx/rx and it works fine now that Hauppauge sorted the blaster software out last year. All the UK sky boxes use the same IR codes (although I couldn't swear to it about HD and Sky+ as I don;t have one).
