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Full Version: How to add "unsupported" card?
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I have an ASUS TV FM Card 7135 Video Capture card, and it's not "supported." I tried following the instructions on the wiki for adding a card to the .ini files, but since it's an analog (I'm pretty sure, at least), they weren't any good. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to add it, or if it won't work, tell me that. I've attached my filter log files. Thanks
Sorry, this card lacks the required hardware MPEG2 encoder.
I don't think this card has the required hardware encoder in order to work with GB-PVR. You can try downloading the Software Encoder plugin but is no longer maintained/supported.

edit: sub beat me to it. (So unlike sub Rolleyes ).
Software plugin works great! (except for the slight audio echo, but I can work on that).