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Full Version: Got Stella emulator for Atari 2600 working!!!
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I was able to get Stella Atari emulator to work through GameZone. I added it as a PC game.

The settings in GameZone were as follows:
Name: Atari 2600 (Name it what you want.)
Executable: (path to stella.exe)
Path: (path to your Atari roms, .a26 files)
Arguments: -fullscreen 1 -fullres 800x600 "%FILE%"
(include quotes)
Extentions: a26

In Stella.ini I set the preferences to start games in FullScreen
(fullScreen = 1).
I also bumped up the zoom to 3.
Great to see people adding to the list of emulators.
I f you get chance could you add a section to the GameZone wiki page.

Excellant work
I was going to try to add to the wiki, but couldn't figure out how. I went to the gamezone page, clicked edit, logged in when asked, returned to the gamezone page, clicked edit again, and then was told I didn't have enough permission.

I have no idea, you could try asking blader_se I think thats who is looking after the wiki
