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Full Version: VA not showing filed that has been renamed
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Video Archive has been my primary - almost only - interface to my recordings since I started with GBPVR. It's a very important part of my setup.

However, I have an issue where I cannot find recordings of a different name than when they were originally recorded.

First off, a few words on my workflow and a possible source of my issue.

I do a lot of cartoon-recording for my 4 year old son Magnus. I group these recordings in a specific folder and then the shows in folders below. So apart from the normal folders in "Recordings", I have a folder called "1-Magnus" to have it easily available at the top of the list.

Folder structure is like
[INDENT][SIZE="1"]Recordings\1-Magnus\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Recordings\1-Magnus\Transformers Cybertron
Recordings\A show recorded normally and not moved
I either move the recordings directly as they have been recorded, keeping name etc. intact, or I edit them (using mpeg2cut2) so there's no commercials, and then rename them according to the relevant episode guide. E.g. "05-Nano.mpg" for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode 5 "Nano".

This used to work like a charm since late 2004/early 2005 when I started using GBPVR and VA. Even when I had my recordings spanned over 6 disks. A couple of upgrades ago, this has broken, and I'm REALLY missing the VA access to my renamed recordings.

Problem is primarily with the folders containing the renamed recordings. They simply don't show more than one or two recordings (literally).

From the logs, it seems that VA breaks from trying to find information on the recordings somewhere and there isn't anything.

I would really just like for VA to show the contents of the folders like it used to - information or not.

Logs attached.

I suspect the problem is in connection with the lines from the log like this:
[SIZE="1"]09-23-07 08:37:18:281 [1] Record not found D:\PVR\Recordings\1-Magnus\1Padder\33-Secret Origins 2.mpg in archive database; trying to fetch from GBPVR database.[/SIZE]

As a sidenote, the logfile states time as 08:37 but it is actually 20:37.

I will be happy to try to install any test version to narrow it down.


I just posted a new test version. Please be sure to back up your video archive database before installing it.


I download the 23sep07 VAtest version and the Video plug in doesn't show up in PVRX2 or GBPVR. The DVD to mpeg is still showing up. I attached the logs from this morning.

I am running 1.0.16

PS it is checked on the plug in tab
Can you post the main pvrx2 log files? They should show why it is not being loaded.

Also, can you try reinstalling. The log file still shows that the previous rev is attached. What is the date on your archiver dll?

Jeff Wrote:Also, can you try reinstalling. The log file still shows that the previous rev is attached. What is the date on your archiver dll?


Jeff Wrote:Can you post the main pvrx2 log files? They should show why it is not being loaded.


I' ve attached them
but I think this is the problem

[1] loadNewStylePlugins()...
2007-09-24 09:56:42.687 INFO [1] About to check 'C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Common' for plugins
2007-09-24 09:56:42.703 VERBOSE [1] About to check file: C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Common\JeffTree.dll
2007-09-24 09:56:42.750 INFO [1] About to check 'C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Jeff' for plugins
2007-09-24 09:56:42.765 VERBOSE [1] About to check file: C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Jeff\MusicVAPanelWidget.dll
2007-09-24 09:56:42.859 VERBOSE [1] About to check file: C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Jeff\RecordingsProcessMonitorVAPanelWidget.dll
2007-09-24 09:56:42.875 VERBOSE [1] About to check file: C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Jeff\StockerTickerPanelWidget.dll
2007-09-24 09:56:42.937 VERBOSE [1] About to check file: C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Jeff\Video Archiver.dll
2007-09-24 09:56:43.140 VERBOSE [1] VAPanelDisplay constructor parameter count: 0
2007-09-24 09:56:43.140 VERBOSE [1] VADVD2MPEGTask constructor parameter count: 0
2007-09-24 09:56:43.156 VERBOSE [1] Initializing skin helper for: .\skin\blue\archive\skin.xml
2007-09-24 09:56:43.328 VERBOSE [1] ArchiveVideosTask constructor parameter count: 0
2007-09-24 09:56:43.343 VERBOSE [1] Looking for missing assembly in plugin\common: JeffTree, Version=1.0.2816.30589, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2007-09-24 09:56:43.343 VERBOSE [1] Assembly found...
2007-09-24 09:56:43.343 VERBOSE [1] ...and loaded
2007-09-24 09:56:43.484 VERBOSE [1] Initializing skin helper for: .\skin\blue\archive\list view skin.xml
2007-09-24 09:56:43.609 VERBOSE [1] Skinhelper loading image from file: .\skin\blue\archive\..\background.jpg
2007-09-24 09:56:43.812 ERROR [1] Unable to find font node: /settings/TextStyles/TextStyle[@name="ScreenNameStyle"]
2007-09-24 09:56:43.812 ERROR [1] Unable to find brush node: /settings/TextStyles/TextStyle[@name="ScreenNameStyle"]
2007-09-24 09:56:43.812 VERBOSE [1] file not found: .\skin\blue\archive\BulletBall_red.png
2007-09-24 09:56:43.812 VERBOSE [1] Skinhelper loading image from file: .\skin\blue\archive\BulletBall_red.png
2007-09-24 09:56:43.812 ERROR [1] Error initializing menu plugin: C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\plugins\Jeff\Video Archiver.dll
2007-09-24 09:56:43.812 ERROR [1] Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
2007-09-24 09:56:43.875 ERROR [1] at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at GBPVR.Backend.Common.xc4f12ec3a8a4c96b.xd1ccdef346e6a297(Boolean x8bae2a88590d8cc0)
2007-09-24 09:56:43.890 ERROR [1] Inner exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\skin\blue\archive\BulletBall_red.png'.
File name: 'C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr\skin\blue\archive\BulletBall_red.png'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImageNonCached(Image image, Boolean fillWithBackgroundColour, Color backgroundColour, String name, Hashtable parameters)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImageNonCached(String name, Hashtable parameters)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImage(String name, Hashtable parameters)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImage(String name)
at ArchiveVideosPlugin.ArchiveVideosTask..ctor()
2007-09-24 09:56:43.890 ERROR [1] at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImageNonCached(Image image, Boolean fillWithBackgroundColour, Color backgroundColour, String name, Hashtable parameters)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImageNonCached(String name, Hashtable parameters)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImage(String name, Hashtable parameters)
at GBPVR.Public.SkinHelper.getNamedImage(String name)
at ArchiveVideosPlugin.ArchiveVideosTask..ctor()

Jeff Wrote:Also, can you try reinstalling. The log file still shows that the previous rev is attached. What is the date on your archiver dll?


I let you know if a reinstall works and the date of the video Archiver.dll in the plugins and Jeff folder is 9/20/2007 at 2:29 am ver. 3.02818.40492.

Thanks for the Help

PS I did an uninstall prior to installing the new version
and I'm using the default blue skin
I just posted an update a few minutes ago I had forgot to include all the needed images in the skin.

It worksBig Grin on both PVR and MVP


Finally got home to try the new update (two new versions since I posted my problem last night - now THAT's impressive :eek: Big Grin )!

Unfortunately, when entering the VA through PVRX2 it hangs with a blank screen and at the top it says "Filling Recordings list"

In the logfile (attached) I found the section below indicating something it don't like. Guess it's where it hangs...
09-24-07 09:30:02:468 [11]         Error when executing command INSERT into FileMap (DirectoryName, ShortFileName, SourceLink, FileDate, FileSize, LastKnownPath, IsDVD, Verified, VerifiedDate, IsMusicFile) VALUES (@DirectoryName, @ShortFileName, @SourceLink, @FileDate, @FileSize, @LastKnownPath, @IsDVD, @Verified, @VerifiedDate, @IsMusicFile).  System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: Abort due to constraint violation
columns DirectoryName, ShortFileName are not unique
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset(SQLiteStatement stmt)
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step(SQLiteStatement stmt)
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   at CommonGBPVRUtilities.ArchiveDB.DoSqlWrite(SQLiteCommand myCommand)
09-24-07 09:30:02:500 [11]         System.Exception: Abort due to constraint violation
columns DirectoryName, ShortFileName are not unique ---> System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: Abort due to constraint violation
columns DirectoryName, ShortFileName are not unique
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset(SQLiteStatement stmt)
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step(SQLiteStatement stmt)
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   at CommonGBPVRUtilities.ArchiveDB.DoSqlWrite(SQLiteCommand myCommand)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at CommonGBPVRUtilities.ArchiveDB.DoSqlWrite(SQLiteCommand myCommand)
   at CommonGBPVRUtilities.ArchiveDB.AddorUpdateFileMapRecord(FileMapRecord record)
09-24-07 09:30:02:500 [11]         Error adding or updating FileMap record for D:\PVR\Recordings\POKéMON\POKéMON_20070922_07550820.mpg
09-24-07 09:30:02:609 [11]         Trying to fetch information from GBPVR database for D:\PVR\Recordings\Troldspejlet\Troldspejlet_20070924_17001730.mpg.
09-24-07 09:30:02:703 [11]            Found record in GBPVR database.
09-24-07 09:30:04:453 [11]         Empty description in database found for D:\PVR\Recordings\Yu-Gi-Oh!\Yu-Gi-Oh!_20070923_12001225.mpg; trying to fetch from GBPVR database.
09-24-07 09:30:04:484 [11]            Updating record for D:\PVR\Recordings\Yu-Gi-Oh!\Yu-Gi-Oh!_20070923_12001225.mpg with name Yu-Gi-Oh! (Sunday 23-09-2007 12:00) and description
09-24-07 09:30:05:359 [11]         Trying to fetch information from GBPVR databas[/SIZE]

Terminating PVRX2 and reentering allowed for VA to find the recordings once again - but no change to my original problem. E.g. it finds the three newest (file-date wise) fo the 52 TMNT episodes.

Want me to try something else?


Seems like the update from this evening (sept. 25) fixed the issues.

It took a (loong) while to update at the first run - looked quite dodgy while the list updated - well - weirdly.

After leaving it for more than ½ hour until the hourglass finished and then rebooting it seems like it recognises all the recordings it has failed to see for a long time.

Thank you for this update and an awesome plugin Big Grin
