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Full Version: Which blaster for sky (uk)
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Hey guys

Just wondering what the favoured blaster is for uk sky?

USB-UIRT seem to be sold out in the uk...

Will the Hauppauge Media Center Remote Control kit work on xp pro and sky box?

RedRat seems expensive in comparison???

Thanks for any thoughts or user experiences

I've been using the blaster on my PVR150 to change sky channels so far. However, I've always had the odd time when an extra digit seems to appear. I've recently put in an order for a Red-Eye and it should be in the post now.
I was going to look at Lirc/WinLirc, but heard talk of it being a little iffy, timing-wise, so though I'd go for a chip based rather than software based blaster. I also contemplated talking direct to an old Sky remote, but don't have the time to mess around anymore.

Cheers for the response - I'll be interested to hear how you get on
I have RedEye Serial and it is perfect.. it does what it says on the tin!

We worth the money for no hassle.
Mine arrived today and I'm having problems.
Only the first two digits get sent to the sky box. So if I send:-
redeye2 410 then what appears on the sky box is 41- However if I send each digit individually like redeye2 4, redeye2 1, redeye2 0 then the channel changes fine.

I've tried it in a second PC in case the supply nicked form the serial port was iffy, but no.

Emailed the makers and hope for suggestions. Back to the haupppague blaster for now.
I know a stupid question.. But have you run through the setup.. and got the windows client so you can change the timings etc...

Yup, got the windows demo thing and set it in Sky mode. Suggestion from the author is to try something like 4.1.0 to increase interdigit delay. I'll try that later, when the current recordings have finished.
Not sure how I could generate this with gbpvr, but I'll have a go with the source and recompile not that I've managed to find a copy of the freebie compiler.
Well, both increasing and decreasing the delays only makes it worse.
I've cobbled a tiny prog together as the exe for gbpvr that calls redeye2 three times for each of the three digits and it seems to work a treat.
I must try to find someone locally with a redeye and see if mine is faulty - I can only think something is wrong with it.