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Full Version: Modified Reflect theme for the Community Skin - BETA
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I've had a bash at modifying the reflect theme and it would be great if anybody would be willing to try it out and let me know what they'd change. I'd really like to whip it into shape before I send it off to Fatman_do and try and avoid the dribs and drabs approach I used last time :o. I've tried to simplify it and use another pallet. I've tweaked the TVGuide and added an altered TVGuide - Alternative, both of these "should" Smile work with which ever <TVGuideChannelHeaderType> is selected in the config.

Hopefully just copy everything from the Resources folder in to ".....\gbpvr\Plugins\SkinPlugin\Resources" and the two guide_masks in to ".....\gbpvr\skin2\Community3\_CoreImages", you should then be able to select the "Reflect - Black" theme in the Apply a new theme section of the skin plugin.

I'd love any feedback on any asthetical changes needed and if the formatting is okay.

Hairy Wrote:*The Zip exceeds the attachment size limit so it'll have to be rapidshare I'm afraid (Edit: it's only a little over 2mb though, so it's not huge Big Grin)
My website backups are huge. Much bigger than you'd imagine. These limits are to help keep the size of those backups down. 2MB may not seem alot, but if everyone posts 2MB attachments then I have a big problem.

PS, nice looking skin.
Excellent! Everything seems to be working as it should and this is by far my favorite skin to date. Just posted in the topic about having an option in the guide for logos + number and this skin even takes care of that. Thanks for sharing.
Quote:My website backups are huge. Much bigger than you'd imagine. These limits are to help keep the size of those backups down. 2MB may not seem alot, but if everyone posts 2MB attachments then I have a big problem.

Again Sub my apologies,

I was in no way casting aspersions. I added the edit more because I was worried that people wouldn't try it out because I'd put it up on rapidshare (not everyones favourite), my phrasing made it sound like it was monster big and couldn't fit as an attachment and I thought that if people saw that it was only wee they'd be more likely to download and try it out Smile

I'm not well suited to forum posting, it sounds right in my head :o

No worries - I know exactly what you meant, but I wanted to explain why I have some limits set. Backups are a real problem for me.
Lovely work again Hairy! My new favourite skin Smile
Looks great Hairy. You've set the bar really high with your Reflect series.

One very slight anomaly, the background in ML2 looks the same as that from Reflect, so it has a green tint rather than grey.
Hmm not so sure problem with ML2 as it's fine with me! Might want to try installing the skin again?
Looks good based on those screenshots.

FYI...All plugins are based off of images, so plugin-x having an "off coloured" image is the results of the image it uses is not updated or replaced. I haven't downloaded this yet to see if there is a rogue image.
My new favourite skin, excellent stuff!
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