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Full Version: New Version of IMG Burner stopped Process
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Just wanted to point out a minor issue, I've just sat here for about hour awaiting for IMGBURN to complete.... When I quit PVRX2 and looked at the desktop.

It seams a new version of IMGBurn is available.

However this managed to halt my disk writing.

I've changed imgburn to not check each time it's run but it would be nice if you can include this option into the installer.
I recently re-packaged the plugin with the latest version because of that message. pBs pointed out that you can set it to not check for updates which it sounds like you did. I don't include an imgburn.ini file in the distribution and I let it create it's own on the first run since it creates a whole bunch of local stuff.
i use a partial imgburn.ini with just the settings i want to explicitly set, the rest will come from user's registry if they have any set..
otherwise i believe it's just setting up defaults, so no diff. than not set at all..
[imgburn.ini in same dir overrides registry]
must use /NOSAVESETTINGS on cmdline or it'll save new settings to .ini
can also set used .ini to a filename [/settings filename]

this way user can have separate settings for general and app usage..