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Thought it time to give something back. I seem to collect MVP dongles either based on suggestions from posts or rename existing ones as backups before upgrading gbpvr.
Either way, it is easy to lose track, convince yourself that dongle.good.bin is better than dongle.bin when they are in fact the same ( some different versions do have the same size ) and posting dongle related queries is complicated by not knowing _which_ dongle inspired the query.

Anywho, I wrote a simple utility, donglever, which lists the dongles in the Dongle directory together with their version.

You can download and save the utility either to the "gbpvr" or the "gbpvr\Dongle" directory and just double-click or run from the command line.
You can save it to a different location but in that case you have to pass the path to the "gbpvr" directory as the argument. Note the path will need to be in double quotes if it contains spaces.

Then just match the output from donglever with the dongle filename specified in the MVP tab of the gbpvr Config app ensuring, as documented elsewhere, that the MVP is using the specified dongle by power-cycling it.

Download donglever windows binary from here : (153 KB)
(md5sum: fc702401f56dbd9cc9e49ad2c2c884e6)

Source here (though you will need and a c++ compiler should you wish to build ) :

Sub: Please reply if posting an external link to a binary is bad forum etiquette? I could instead zip it and upload or have it wiki'd somewhere. However, zipping an exe seems to go against the sprit of the "Valid file extensions" listed for attachments.

Martin V: Not sure if or how you want your mvpmc versions presented?

Note: credit for locating the version embedded in a dongle goes to Martin V and one of his posts in this thread



Obligatory screenshot Wink:

[Image: donglever.png]
No problems for mvpmc, but the project doesn't use that information for the version number, it's just a hack that will force the load of the software. The "real" version is on the About screen. home to dealers, builders and now collectors of dongles. What is the name of the this hobby I wonder, donglers?

I get the impression that all mvpmc dongles are presented as version 44.:confused:
Why, clearly:

Donglesseur - An appreciator of the Dongle
Internally they will always be 0x80802C03 so technically with this utility they are 128.128.44 but it is meaningless to mvpmc developers. In fact that really odd bunch of characters on the about screen is the true version because it is tied to source code.

Hi Martin,
Quote: Internally they will always be 0x80802C03 so technically with this utility they are 128.128.44
Assuming that 128.128.44 is truly cast in stone is there some other consistent way of deriving a unique version from a mvpmc dongle? (other than loading it and viewing the about screen)

If necessary, I can rummage in the dongle for some consistent bytes surrounding the 'odd bunch of characters'.


Not unless you want to open a gzip tarball!
