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Full Version: GameZone 2.1 Released
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Due to revolutuonary new optimised and efficient software development techniques. I am pleased to release version 2.1 only 24 hours after the release of 2.0!!!

Ok enough of the spin doctoring.

I found an issue with 2.0 and multiple paths which affect most emulators I have corrected this issue and released it as a 2.1 as only 5 people had downloaded 2.0 at the time I removed 2.0

So please pass back feedback so we can get GameZone2.x stable ASAP then I can start adding more features, I have an idea for a radical new UI look that I am considering developing this will require some close work with a Skinner as I have next to zero skills in skinning!!

Any skinners have some time to assist in a slightly different look?

download from the wiki as usual
sweet - cheers. never used this and was waiting for 1.2.9 version.

appreciate your work!
I'm new to gamezone, but wanted to give the new one a shot. I've used emulators before, and have been using gbpvr (pvrx2) for awhile now.

I have setup gamezone for mame and zsnes, but when I try to run it from gbpvr, it only flashes for a sec, then goes back to gbpvr main menu. If I click gamezone again, it will go to the page that shows a pic of snes and says "no files to display", similar for mame.

Excuse me for being new to this program, but I can't seem to find a good install guide to work through this.


Hi Uhale,

I have answered your question in the support sub-forum, hopefully that will get you furthur forward.

As for a howto guide. The only documentation for GameZoneis on the wiki, or by reading the gamezone forum. The way the community should function is that anyone can add to the wiki and adding a section as a newbie walkthrough would be great. Are you voluntering? Big Grin
So, here's my status. I have GZ2 running, as far as I know. I can go in, and select games, but I have not sat down and tried to run any. But this was an upgrade, all my games and emulators are there, so it's sweet. (I also had to re point everything since I moved my games folder to another drive.)

So far so good.