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I have DVDShrink 3.2 installed in 'C:\Program Files\DVD Shrink' yet BURNDVDX2 says it cannot find it. Should it be installed in another location?

The plugin looks in the registry for

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DVD Shrink\DVD Shrink 3.2\Preferences]

It checks that the key InstallDirectory is in that location.
If it is, it will use dvdshrink if needed.
Check that key and let me know if it is there.

You only need DVDshrink if the dvd that you are trying to make needs to be shrunk to fit on a 4.7gb dvd. If not leave it disabled.

Also if you use DVD shrink, you must leave it in the foreground the whole time it is running since it uses a keystroke emulator to feed keys in since there is no command line interface.
Thanks for your help. The InstallDirectory key was not in the registry. I reinstalled DVD Shrink and now everything is working fine.

Thanks again.
I'm having this same problem, but I do have the registry key you mention. DVD Shrink is installed at the location you mention too. Any suggestions?
I deleted the registry key and re-installed DVDShrink. This fixed the error for me.
pbb Wrote:I deleted the registry key and re-installed DVDShrink. This fixed the error for me.

If you use DVD shrink with burndvdx2, you shouldn't use the computer for something else while it is working. It uses a keyboard emulator and changing the focus will mess it up.