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There seems to be only a few people here that can interpret the logs and give solid feedback on what is happening.

Would it be possible to create some kind of guide that would at least out line which logs refer to what and what the different sections are? So many times I see Sub having to check ppls log files, if more of us could do it then Sub could spend his time on more worthwhile projects. And on a personal note I would like to understand them better so I am able to participate more actively in the community.
I completely agree with you, my half hearted attempts end up being a simple random trawl through all my logs looking for error, that's about as much as I can do.
I don't even really understand what log is generated by what process, I am more than willing to help out others if only I knew how.

On a similar subject I was wondering if sub had a tool he has created/uses to retrieve or filter relevant stuff in the logs or if he just dives in with a text editor like the rest of us??? Sub?