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Full Version: Haup Remote Blue Button lockup
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While playing a Netflix downloaded movie, I pressed the Hauppauge remote blue button. First time, it brought up a fairly large black area at the bottom of the screen with quite small green text saying the playing time. A second press returned the screen to normal (I think, or it may have returned on its own.) A second press brought up the black area, no text and locked up the computer. I had to do a hard reset.

Any thoughts (other than don't go pushing buttons when you don't know what they do)? What features are available in the Netflix player?

Thanks again.
I'd need to double check the code to find out all the options and what that keypress is supposed to do. From the top of my head, I know that volume, ff/rew (doesn't work with all movies though) and aspect ratio should all be working along with play/pause/stop. There are some keypresses that Windows Media Player grabs before the plugin can process it and that may be the issue.
OK, I'll just be careful. I can confirm that volume and aspect ratio do work. FF/REW or the skip buttons don't seem to do anything.