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I must be missing something stupid but I can't install the XSuite plugins. I am using the latest version of gb-pvr 1.3.11 and the beta v50 of Xsuite. Clicked on xrecord-setup.exe and enabled the plugins in the plugins tab of config. The plugins show up in the main PVRX2 menu but when I select them nothing happens. I found the dlls in the plugin directory. This all is in XP Media Edition.

Any ideas?

What skin are you using? Have you tried with 'blue'?
Haven't changed the skin from the standard one, whatever that is.
Reproduce the problem, then zip and attach the logs located in the \Logs folder.
Attached is my logs directory. I installed the plugins and tried to run them.
I was under the impression that "Blue" was the only skin that plugins were required to supply. The PVRX2 default skin seems to have become "Slick" instead of "Blue". Isn't this a problem that the default installation of PVRX2 doesn't work with most plugins?

Changing the skin to Blue instead of slick should allow XSuite plugins to work.
OK, I see you mean the Blue skin that is a choice on the first config screen.

I got the plugin to work now. Are there other skins that the plugin works with?

Thanks for your help. I'm new to this program and didn't know the lingo.
Glad to hear you got things working.

The community skin has XSuite support. See details here.
The latest XSuite on the wiki should allow you to run even when set to Slick since it will notice the missing skin and fallback to blue.