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I use a Harmony remote for my PCH setup. I currently have my remote configured to be more SwissCenter friendly, but want to create a GBPVR friendly mode. I know that currently my up/down arrows on the remote do nothing in GBPVR, but page up/down in SwissCenter. Currently, I have to do a Channel Up to Page Down are vice versa in GBPVR. I would like to know which buttons on the PCH perform which tasks in GBPVR. That way I can map them accordingly on my Harmony remote.

Also, if I'm watching GBPVR and want to shut off everything, how do I go into standby so that I get right back into GBPVR when I power back on? Is that possible or do you have to through the browse to html route?
It was discussed here but like most of the wiki on the NMT it hasn't been kept up to date.

For completeness the full keyboard map is based on the Hauppauge remote here

With the names on the NMT remote

Angle = Record
Source = Menu
Return = Back
Next = Skip
Prev = Replay

Also currently Return = Prev Channel but that will likely be changed to Repeat because I need both the back key and the return key in the richer client I am working on.

Also the link to the NMT remote (which is still valid during playback from GBPVR or Swiss Center) is

Standby doesn't really shutoff much, the monitor output is just turned off and sometimes internal drives are put to sleep. I considered doing this in mvmpmcx2 but figured it wasn't worth the hassle.

mvallevand Wrote:Standby doesn't really shutoff much, the monitor output is just turned off and sometimes internal drives are put to sleep. I considered doing this in mvmpmcx2 but figured it wasn't worth the hassle.

Does this mean that when I shut off the system (TV off, AVR off, and PCH "standby"), everything should show up at the state I left it after turning everything back on? The reason I ask is that I have tried this and I usually return to a black screen and have to use the power button on the PCH remote which takes me back to the PCH interface. Maybe GBPVR is in standby and I just need to press some keys on the remote?
No, it means I didn't implement any standby mechanism. The best you can do is set an environment variable in gbpvr.cgi to have the PCH return to screen of your choice if you can figure out how to call it For example


will directly go to the web services screen so if you enter stand by there you will return there with one key back to gbpvr.

That's a good idea.

The problem I'm having is when I press OFF on the Harmony remote, everything shuts off except for the PCH. When I press ON everything comes on, except the PCH shuts off. This is a remote issue and not a GBPVR issue. I guess once I create a GBPVR mode on the remote, this will get resolved.

You are going to need to program Power wait Power to do what you want.
