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Here is the complete update mvpmcx2 for all users

Upgrade Installation

- Download and replace mvpmcx2 with this new version compressed in a 7zip archive
- Update GB-PVR with the attached files from sub

- For your MAC address change the MVPClientType in config.xml to PCH2

If you haven't installed mvpmcx2 yet, follow the Dummies Guide instructions.

Note that OSD is a bit washed out in 720p mode 1080i/p mode does look better.


For those that haven't used an MVP before, the remote key reference is here The names on the remote keys are a little different as follows

Angle = Record
Source = Menu
Return = Back
Next = Skip
Prev = Replay
Repeat = Prev Channel (Different then in the earlier mvpmcx2)

Additionally based on the tester's feedback I did implement the NMT Video Zoom feature to toggle between "Full Screen", "Fit Screen" and "Crop"


The mvpmcx2 client is now a full media player when running with GB-PVR so in the initial release I do expect a few problems to come up. Please try and document the problem as best you can and open up a message on it with the messages.

If you find a problem mpeg ts file, that won't seek, play or plays without sound (and it isn't a HE-AAC file), please telnet to your PCH and issue the command cat /tmp/dumpts.txt and copy the output into a message on the forum. Keep the source video file because I might ask you to create a 20 MB SD or 100 MB HD snip and upload it to a free site like megaupload or rapidshare and provide a link.

One caution is that if the file time isn't very representative of the file, there probably are multiple timelines in the file so skipping won't work, but it might play and you might be able to use FF/RW through the file. I feel the best solution for these is to use TSMuXeR from to fix the time.

Finally a big thanks to Sheik Yerbouti, BrainStormer, BrettB, dark_half, tcmy95, lehanne, UJB, rwalker777, martin123, and zed who helped with the beta testing.

I look forward to reading about your experience good and bad.

The experiences with this version should be similar to the previous version that supported analog only. Please review these comments before posting.


Note that the files needed for installing this version are available via NMTInstall. Downloading and 7zip support have been added.

Check these options only to do the upgrade and on the second screen select PCH2 There are no updates to config.xml so the MAC address is not needed. but you will still need to edit config.xml to change to PCH2 mode.

2 comments, i used your updater first to download the updates but all it really did was put all the zip files in the mvpmc folder, although i wasnt sure if it updated the files as well

2. i cant locate the "MVPClientType in config.xml" so i am having difficulty changing it. i am sure i am being an idiot on this one, but i thought a simple find mvpclienttype would work, but it comes up with nothing
imagn Wrote:2 comments, i used your updater first to download the updates but all it really did was put all the zip files in the mvpmc folder, although i wasnt sure if it updated the files as well

The details tab should provide the information required. The filesize for mvpmcx2 should be much bigger and you should see the updated files in the GBPVR folder PVRx2.exe should be new. Services are stopped and restarted so it is not as noticable as some installs.

Also you can try again, it will use the file that are stored in the mvpmc so it won't re-download. Of course you need the new version of NMTInstall but the old one wouldn't have the choice to install mvpmcx2 on it anyway.

Quote:2. i cant locate the "MVPClientType in config.xml" so i am having difficulty changing it. i am sure i am being an idiot on this one, but i thought a simple find mvpclienttype would work, but it comes up with nothing

Look for <MVPClientType>PCH</MVPClientType> in the MVP section, it probably is a case problem on the search.

Thanks so much Martin and the other helpers
Look forward to playing with this
Had a problem with it just falling back out but I just re ran the install and put the mac address back in and it fixed it.
Can't wait to try the extras out eg comp skip
thanks again
I followed your directions but now I just get a black screen when I try and start up gbpvr on my tv. Not sure what I did wrong. I copied the mvpmcx2l.7z to my mvpmc directory and renamed it mvpmcx2. I copied sub's 2 updates to my gbpvr directory. In my config file, before I made any changes, I had a PCH MVPClientType & a PCH2 MVPClientType. I renamed the the PCH MVPClientType to PCH2. So now I have two PCH2 MVPClientType listed. Is that right?
Eventually I will stop supporting anything but NMTInstall because I wrote the program specifically to make these updates less of a hassle, but for now I guess I should point out that mvpmcx2l.7z is a 7zip archive and you will need to download 7zip to extract mvpmcx2 from it.

7zip can be downloaded from

Working great for me. Even seems a tad bit faster and this is in W7 RC1.
Martin, thanks and kudos for your time and efforts working on this. It's much appreciated by this simpleton.
Thanks Martin! I'll remember next time to use the NMTInstall. Do you know anything about the other question I had about the two PCH2 MVPClientType in my config? Should I only have one? I have both a pch unit and a Hauppauge MVP unit.
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