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OK I have been trying to sort this out for a week but have to admit defrat.

I have been using PCH with Hard Drive scripts from

and NMT CSI installer both working fine but and a big but, I replaced my GBPVR server and now I cant get the hard drive scripts to run.

The NMT CSI installer works a treat but dont want to use due to lack of WOL support.

If I remove the hard drive from the PCH I can use the original scripts

which also works a treat but again no WOL.

Question is why dont the scripts from now work

I know I need to add the WOL back in, but one step at a time.

All I get when I try to run using the above is "Request cannot be processed"

Let me know what logs/scripts you need to see if any


In many ways I admit defeat too, there's so much drama here it's no wonder people that don't use the PCH think it is so hard. It is for this reason that I never wanted to support optional linux scripting so I hope someone will help you, this is my last attempt on customizing the working share script. I compiled ether-wake to try and help you guys not to make more work for myself.

That said if you wanted to work on the hard disk script I did post on the CSI thread on the NMT forum to try inserting a dot operator and you didn't respond so I let that die, I would have continued the discussion because that is where I told you the official support for hard disk install will be. It is such an easy way to install.

If running from the hard disk is just too hard to figure out, I'd modify the share based scripts as follows

1 - copy ether-wake into the mvpmc folder
2 - add this after the utelnetd copy
cp /etc/mvpmc/ether-wake /usr/bin
3 - before the killall gaya run (using your MAC address)
ether-wake 00:00:00:00:00

To keep this all together the optional and unsupported binary is here


Sorry, I dont wish to rub you up the wrong way.

Dont recall seeing anything about a CSI forum so didnt see that post.

I think the PCH is a good system and the CSI installer makes it very easy for all concerned as it just works. I am more than willing to help with getting a WOL function within CSI if I can.

Try the share-based approach and if you don't like it we can work on the CSI script. I don't have a drive in right now that I can test.

Edit sorry you got me editing the messagfirst e I meant the NMT forums. My replay was just after yours but you didn't follow up.

srhutch Wrote:All I get when I try to run using the above is "Request cannot be processed"

Sounds like you need to clear you PCH's Cache.

Go into setup->maintenance and press the filemode key.

BrainStormer Wrote:Sounds like you need to clear you PCH's Cache.

Go into setup->maintenance and press the filemode key.

Thanks, BrainStormer I always forget about the brain-dead caching. Definitely one reason to remove the hard disk.

mvallevand Wrote:Try the share-based approach and if you don't like it we can work on the CSI script. I don't have a drive in right now that I can test.

Edit sorry you got me editing the messagfirst e I meant the NMT forums. My replay was just after yours but you didn't follow up.



Sorry hadnt been back there to check which was silly of me.

If you want me to test anything let me know.

BrainStormer Wrote:Sounds like you need to clear you PCH's Cache.

Go into setup->maintenance and press the filemode key.


Sorry this didnt work, looking through the scripts you posted for running GBPVR from hard disk I can only guess there is something I should have edited, I just cant understand why it doesnt work.

Onlt other thing I have tried is to delete the /etc/mvpmc dir from the PCH so that it recreates itself next time it runs, but rm command wont delete the files, it prompts me to select y/n to delete but theye remain and no message is given. CHMOD shows all permissions.

Ideally would like to completely wipe all info of PCH and start from scratch but cant see how to do this.
srhutch Wrote:If you want me to test anything let me know.

Right now, I don't know which script you'd prefer to get working, so I will let you decide and get back to me.

The other thing that can cuse these messages is if the file isn't in unix format, what editor are you using to edit the files? It must only use Line Feed at the endo of a line and not Carriage Return+Linefeed. Also if any of your additions output text you need to increase the Content-Length to match the number of chars.
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