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Because of the regular problems some user have had configuring GB-PVR to connect to remote shares I have written a small Windows service ShareHelper which is designed load the shares in the Local System account. It is based on the idea of the utility UseShare which I found it a little confusing to install, hopefully this will be simpler by being more integrated with GB-PVR and NPVR.

The configuration is done in a file ShareHelper.xml in the GB-PVR Programs folder or the NPVR Data Folder (with config.xml). The connection can be made using an optional drive letter, and it accepts either hostname or IP notation depending on what you prefer. I have found if you use a drive letter that "letter" is available to other sessions as well, but they cannot be deleted. I think the XML is self-explanatory but if you have questions ask.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add drive="z:" share="\\myNAS\Videos" username="username" password="myPwd"/>
        <add drive="y:" share="\\myNAS\Public" username="" password=""/>
        <add share="\\SMP8634-\share" username="A110\nmt" password="1234"/>                
        <add share="\\192.168.10\share" username="nmt" password="1234"/>                        

Do not use a letter to map the NMT, mvpmcx2 will automatically detect that a file is local and play it without streaming if the IP or hostname match.

1. Usage (as an Administrator)

1. Download and extract
a. Sharehelper1.exe file to your GB-PVR Program folder
b. Sharehelper2.exe file to your N-PVR Program folder
2. Edit ShareHelper.xml to match your requirements
3. Install the program by typing
ShareHelper1 /i or ShareHelper2 /i
4. Update config.xml with your settings for your shares
5. Start the services from services.msc or with net start ShareHelper, the service is set to automatically start when you start your PC.


- check the syntax of your xml.
- ShareHelper.log files are stored in the GBPVR or NPVR log folder
- This is my first C# program and my first Windows Service so provide as much information as you can.
- This may be installed in a future version of NMTInstall.
- If you don't use the Local System Account for the GB-PVR or NPVR Recording service, use the same account with UseShare. You might use this to logon to an NMT share.


- to uninstall, stop the service and run

ShareHelper1 /u or ShareHelper2 /u

Download from the wiki

seriously, your first C# program? Big Grin wow...
yea, i was surprised they never fixed/updated the useshare program to correct the obvious install this definitely fills a need...

i use a username to log in gbpvr rec service so don't seem to have any issues anymore, but it took me quite a while to figure it all out...
[which doesn't work if you use certain ir blasters,have to use 'interact w/desktop' w/local service logon] but i got around that too..Smile [net2hipsend]

every little bit helps when it comes to the install many variables, this should help several users and make things generally easier,as i know that's one of the most asked questions..[client share access]

nice work! Wink
Thanks, I'll consider it a success, if it takes less to support then the Recording Service. Here's hoping.

I'm old school CICS, COBOL, PL/1, APL, Assembler ADA, Prolog (not Borland), C, C++, and some dabbling in VB and Foxpro/Clipper. Young guys get all the fun.

FYI.....I have updated the EWA Wiki to point here for NAS setup with instructions to post any issues in this thread.

I'm trying to install the service but it does not work on windows 7.

Here is the install log:

Installation de l'assembly 'C:\Program Files\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe'.
Les paramètres affectés sont :
logtoconsole =
assemblypath = C:\Program Files\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe
logfile = C:\Program Files\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.InstallLog
Installation du service ShareHelper en cours...
Le service ShareHelper a été installé avec succès.
Création d'une source EventLog ShareHelper dans le journal Application...
Restauration de l'assembly 'C:\Program Files\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe'.
Les paramètres affectés sont :
logtoconsole =
assemblypath = C:\Program Files\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe
logfile = C:\Program Files\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.InstallLog
Restauration de l'état précédent du journal des événements pour la source ShareHelper.
Le service ShareHelper est en cours de suppression du système...
Le service ShareHelper a été retiré avec succès du système.

It worked on my Vista but not on Windows 7.

Do you have an idea ?


Are your trying Win 7 64 bit peut-être If so I am guessing there might be a problem because I didn't account for (x86) nnaming.

Edit: I don't have 64bit Windows but I made one change for Wow6432 that was a problem (I didn't know enough c# when I wrote this originally) If you are running 64 bit let me know if the attached file helps.

mvallevand Wrote:Are your trying Win 7 64 bit peut-être If so I am guessing there might be a problem because I didn't account for (x86) nnaming.

Edit: I don't have 64bit Windows but I made one change for Wow6432 that was a problem (I didn't know enough c# when I wrote this originally) If you are running 64 bit let me know if the attached file helps.


Just setup a Windows 7 x64 VM under VMWare Server 2.0 (free)and tried ShareHelper.....not sure if it working correctly....

From the install log:
Installing assembly 'C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe'.
Affected parameters are:
   assemblypath = C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe
   logfile = C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.InstallLog
   logtoconsole =
Installing service ShareHelper...
Service ShareHelper has been successfully installed.
Creating EventLog source ShareHelper in log Application...
Committing assembly 'C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe'.
Affected parameters are:
   assemblypath = C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe
   logfile = C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.InstallLog
   logtoconsole =

From installutil log:
Running a transacted installation.

Beginning the Install phase of the installation.
See the contents of the log file for the C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe assembly's progress.
The file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.InstallLog.

The Install phase completed successfully, and the Commit phase is beginning.
See the contents of the log file for the C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.exe assembly's progress.
The file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR\ShareHelper1.InstallLog.

The Commit phase completed successfully.

The transacted install has completed.

I am seeing nothing in the Application Event logs.
Thanks UJB am I using the proper registry key?


mvallevand Wrote:Thanks UJB am I using the proper registry key?



Ohhh....I have not yet installed I need to do that first? :confused:

I just created the directory c:\program files (x86)\devnz\GBPVR and put sharehelper and the config in that directory
Sort of. The ShareHelper service locates the XML file and creates logs relative to the GBPVR InstallDir key which I think is the problem I corrected, although I don't even know if solariv's problems is even related to 64bit.

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