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I guess a lot of the plugin Devs will be asked this, but as Xrecord has been my favourite daily-use plugin since I first discovered GBPVR several years ago, is it likely (hopeful :-)) to be ported to NPV?

I'm afraid NPVR will be the end of the line for Xrecord and the XSuite plugins. We had a good run. Thanks to the original authors and all the users.
Sad, but I echo that sentiment. A really BIG thanks to the original authors and fla for being so great in tweaking and developing it all through the GBPVR life-cycle for us XRecord fans. It's been great. k.
Agreed - many thanks to you and the team. This is sad news indeed. A major step backwards for NPVR.
Is anyone aware of anyother options for Keyword Search for recordings ?
EWA is not effective for standalone PVRs operated with a remote.
Oh I am soooo happy I read this thread. I've already bought a new computer and a WinTV-HVR-1850 To upgrade my gbpvr to Win 7 64 bit just today. But it's all still sealed in the packaging So I can return it all since I can't run XRecord. I'll stick with my old Win-2000 and XRecord for as long as my computer will last. Then likely re-look at SageTV again. Since I think it has this function as well.

You know. I never did understand why this wasn't in GB-PVR to start with. It seems to me the whole reason for doing the PVR thing is so you can want watch the shows you want to watch and there for NOT record the shows you don't want to watch. or put another way. Miss shows you want to watch because it's busy recording things you have already seen.

So this is sad news for sure. Still FLA... you should be proud. When I fist found GB-PVR I was happy to find XRecord. but it's been a long time now that I've thought that GV-PVR is just a requirment to run XRecord. Smile

Ok, well that may be over stating it and even tough I'm sure the lack of XRecord will be a death blow for some of us. NPVR will go one for the rest. So don't feel bad about not being able to support it any more. GVPvr is not your project and the several plugin system changes (maybe for good reasons) would drive any developer crazy.

So thanks again for all the word you did do. GB-PVR/XRecord was my favorate but I keep in mind there are alternatives and to anyone reading this thread.... Don't be down on FLA. There are other options.
Assuming Xrecord is open source on sourceforge, if there is anyone out there who is a programmer and wants to port it to NPVR, I for one would be a happy chappie ... :-)
That's right the XSuite code is on sourceforge here. Since the XSuite plugins are very UI and GBPVR API centric, I doubt the code would be of much use in an NPVR porting effort. Perhaps some of the CDK scheduler code could be lifted. I've always thought KingArgyle's CDK scheduler was a gem and the best kept secret of gbpvr and was ahead of its time since it released in early 2005.
My big hang-up in upgrading to NPVR is losing XRecord with CDK scheduler. IMO, the best plug-in hands down for GBPVR. It looks like still no Xrecord (or similar) for NPVR? Is that correct?
Unfortunately no help from me since I've become stricken with ME/CFS and am chronically ill with little chance of treatment. President Obama was asked about ME/CFS yesterday in a town house meeting.
fla Wrote:I've become stricken with ME/CFS and am chronically ill with little chance of treatment. President Obama was asked about ME/CFS yesterday in a town house meeting.
Sorry to hear that. Best wishes from me.
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