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Full Version: Some programmes can't be scheduled
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Odd problem here. I cannot schedule to record two particular shows. Shows after and show before schedule fine, but not the two on BBC1 at 5.5 pm and 6.25 pm. Some issue with the XML listing perhaps?? Logs attached
What was the exact names of these shows?

The log does show it.
Should have said shows at 17.25 and 18.25 ................... sorry
the 17.25 show was "The best of Tonight's the night"
the 18.25 show was "Strictly Come dancing: Launch Show"

It's still behaving the same way after an EPG update
Wild guess ... does it hate shows with punctuation in the title?
Yep, that'd be my guess.

I cant see exactly where the problem is ocurring though. Do you get an error message when you try to schedule these shows? If so, what is the text of the error?
I've had no problem recording "Grey's Anatomy" and "America's Got Talent" here, though I scheduled both in an earlier release of NPVR (probably 1.5.24).

Edit: I also just did a quick record on "America's Funniest Home Videos", and it scheduled and started on time. So it's not a suddenly introduced bug with punctation.

Maybe something in the XML itself as StevHodge thought? Perhaps we need a peek at his epg XML?
It doesn't give an error message. The quick record/record screen comes up I select either of them, hit return and it just obstinately stays green in TV guide (and doesn't get scheduled ). I have zipped my xml and attached it. Its from Alan Birtle's grabber.

I am starting another thread about recordings not being seen as finished by NPVR when they are in fact finished. Can't see why it should be related but perhaps it is. The time slots that won't record are still in the future as of now. The ones that got recorded but were still shown as pending are in the past
I notice your xml puts an apostrophe is as "'" while mine just puts it in directly as '. I think either must be acceptable though, and at any rate it wouldn't explain the Strictly Come Dancing failure as there's no actual colon in the title; the title is "Strictly Come Dancing" and the sub title is "Launch Show".

Your other issue is some sort of recording service crash/hang. NRecord appears to have various threads, and it seems that some parts of it can hang while other parts keep going. So you can get a condition where recordings keep going, but the part that would process the recordings into the database has hung so they stay pending forever. When you try to stop the recording service the hung bit won't respond, and so the whole thing won't stop. Then you finally get it restarted, and as it reloads the recording schedule it concludes the recordings that occurred while in the half-hung state actually didn't happen so it marks them as Failed.
Scheduling: Aaaaaaargh!!! What an idiot!!! Just tuner contention. Three frequencies, two tuners. Sorry to bother you'all
Nrecord hangs. This is indeed what seems to happen. Doesn't happen all the time though. Not a great problem, probably it will fix itself some day. if I can find a pattern to it I'll post again