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Full Version: Worth upgrading for simple TV recording?
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I currently use GBPVR 1.4.7 on Server 2003 just for recording and I program it over the web. It works fine and all I wish for is automatic show deletion from the guide after say 7 days. Manual bulk deletion doesn't work so I have to delete each program individually rather than ticking the lot and clicking delete.
I realise that NPVR will surpass GBPVR but is it worth upgrading to NPVR for this simple usage?
NPVR doesn't have any additional features for automatic show deletion, so switching to NPVR wouldn't give you any immediate benefit. As NPVR is still in beta and changing every month or more often, and you seem happy with GB-PVR, it seems you'd be best served by sticking to GB-PVR for now.
there is an auto-delete-old-recordings util on the wiki...should do what you want...

hmm,that one is based on free space left...there's another one that deletes based on days...
darn, i can't seem to find it..
i could maybe throw one together pretty easily..or maybe you could modify that script to do it based on age instead of free space left..
it will lookup and delete old files past a certain num days old..
also deletes associated files with different extensions, and cleans up database..
it gets db from registry, and allows a test funstion to query only..

edit the top for the number of days you want to keep, meaning older than chosen days will get deleted..

Requires: sqlite3.exe in gbpvr dir, and this batch file to be placed in gbpvr dir..
add into epgupdate.bat for running on a schedule.. [call delold.bat run]

to run as test to view would-be deleted files, type delold.bat
for scripts, to run 'hot' [deletes files], type delold.bat run

i recommend running test till you see what you expect to get deleted then a hot run to make sure all is's pretty simple so shouldn't have any issues..
copy and save as delold.bat
@echo off
:: how many Days old to purge?
set age=900

:detect gbpvr path and set as db path
for /f "usebackq skip=4 tokens=1,2,3,* " %%e in (`reg query hklm\SOFTWARE\devnz /v "GBPVR InstallDir"`) do set db=%%~hgbpvr.db3

cd /d "%~dp0"

for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3 delims=@" %%f in (`sqlite3.exe -separator "@" "%db%" "select manual_start_time, filename from recording_schedule where status = 2 and recording_type = 0 and manual_start_time < date('now','-%age% days') order by manual_start_time;"`) do (
echo "%%~g"
if "%1" EQU "run" call :delfiles "%%~g"
goto :eof

sqlite3.exe "%db%" "delete from recording_schedule where filename like '%~1';"
del /q "%~dpn1.*"
goto :eof
superb, thanks v much for the script, I'll load it and let you know how it goes. It'll be a few days as I've just had a clear out.
Just to add, you can have both of them on your machine at the same time. NPVR is far enough along now so it is pretty easy to work with. Try installing it, add the wave skin and you will likely be impressed. You can do some test recordings and see how you like it without effecting your current gbpvr setup.
At this time, Npvr feels more like "downgrade" from Gp-pvr. Gp-pvr does almost everything better and faster. Except channel scanning.
Just tried the batch file and I get "Error: no such table: recording_schedule"
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
sheppy99 Wrote:Just tried the batch file and I get "Error: no such table: recording_schedule"
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

That script is for GBPVR.

but pBS did write a version for NPVR too:
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