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mvallevand Wrote:When you select the tuner, you are actually just selecting the station list for that tuner. After selecting a station, WebRadio does't do anything fancy and it will play that station on the first available tuner. If you don't want a station or stations to use a tuner don't map them on the higher priority tuner.


Thanks for the update Martin, just working my way around it! How does the recording order work in NextPVR (in GB-PVR I believe it was devices top down priority for recordings, bottom up priority for LiveTV). From what I can gather from reading threads is NextPVR does not make quite such a distinction, but it is using available tuners from the top down? i.e. the highest priority tuner is uppermost one in the devices?

If this is the case and from what you have said about mapping I suppose the difficulty is if the higher priority tuner is not mapped (and in my case there are only 2 digital tuners) then if the only tuner mapped is the 2nd one down in the devices list and it happens to be recording then NextPVR will not recognise to use the higher priority tuner even if it is idle?

Does that sound right or am I wide off the mark Wink

Sounds ok, since Web Radio cannot select a specific tuner for recording the choice is yours.

mvallevand Wrote:Sounds ok, since Web Radio cannot select a specific tuner for recording the choice is yours.


OK (thanks for bearing with me Martin Big Grin ) so I guess the last question has to be, if I wanted to have both tuners mapped with DR channels so as to increase the chances of getting a device that isn't in use, is there any way to only have the available channels listed once within the plugin as opposed to duplicate entries (as it doesn't matter to the user which device is selected?)


Yes I should be able to do a better job grouping them, when wrote that I thought for PVRx2 I thought I could select tuners.

mvallevand Wrote:Yes I should be able to do a better job grouping them, when wrote that I thought for PVRx2 I thought I could select tuners.


Most excellent stuff Martin,

possible 2 other requests?

1) In DR section of WR plugin if there is no available tuner there is a pop up which states 'file is in use' would it be possible to have something
more akin to why a channel won't play like 'tuner is in use' or 'no available tuner'?

2) This could just be a matter of personal taste, others may not think it right Wink In the
upper menu (hidden) current order from left to right is:

'Stop' 'Edit' 'View' 'Favourite' 'Main'. Possible to have the order with 'Main' first?

'Main' 'Stop' 'Edit' 'View' 'Favourite'

this seems to be the way that Sub has implemented items in the hidden menu? I have also seen 2 approaches to this, some authors are using the text 'Main'. Sub uses the text 'Back' which I guess has different implications. Yours being a possible 'multi sub level/menu' plugin 'Main' of course jumps back all the way, whereas I guess 'Back' is just up a level.

Anyway item 2) is just a personal preference so really down to how you feel about that and what other users opinions are Big Grin

Thanks for all this Martin, great plugin, WR was used nearly everyday in our house with GB-PVR (1st thing in the morning, put on the kettle, turn on Kitchen MVP, listen to Radio!)

So I thank you for all the hard work you put into everything you do. MVP's/NMT's/Plugins and all the other things too Big Grin


steeb Wrote:1) In DR section of WR plugin if there is no available tuner there is a pop up which states 'file is in use' would it be possible to have something
more akin to why a channel won't play like 'tuner is in use' or 'no available tuner'?

It took a while for me to figure out that DR = Digital Radio but I had to think about this one. Web Radio uses calls that sub doesn't support for general plugin use so I want to limit what I do in case he changes things. Due to the nature of multi-rec a tuner can be used multiple times, in fact you can listen to the same or different DR stations with multi-rec the same way you can with LiveTV so the tuner in use in itself is no guarantee that it won't play. Developing a more sophisticated approach was therefore risky and I just used the same mechanism I use for web streams.

Quote:2) This could just be a matter of personal taste, others may not think it right Wink In the upper menu (hidden) current order from left to right is:

For this since I use Stop most, it isn't going to change. I rarely use Main. The reason I have Main instead of Back was to get to MLPanel in GBPVR. Hopefully this will return for NPVR users.

Quote:Thanks for all this Martin, great plugin, WR was used nearly everyday in our house with GB-PVR (1st thing in the morning, put on the kettle, turn on Kitchen MVP, listen to Radio!)

Streaming music doesn't seem to be something GB/NPVR users want but I am happy to support this niche of users. Internet radio was what could me started with mvpmc and with GB-PVR in 2006

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