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Full Version: Just moved to NPVR Live TV issue
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I made the switch to NPVR yesterday, I thought all was well but this morning I fired up the PCH and went to live TV, it played about 10 seconds then jumped back to the did this about 5 times before black screening. It appears repeatable on different channels and different capture sources, though I have not investigated too much yet in case there is something obvious in the logs. (example is around 7:15 today).
Recordings play ok, and my client pc also does live tv without problem......

While I'm here is the weather pluging ok to use now...I know previously it caused issues.

Ten seconds sounds like a lease issue which corresponds to the log entries "Live stream expired without renewal. " It might be a firewall issue or relate to an error I see in playback on the MVP logs. Are you using the Default skin? If not, I'd try to see if it fixes the error.

Finally review your NPVR files to make sure the install and any patching went well.

My first thought was the firewall on the server...but the enties are there, I patched npvr with the rolled up zip in the survival thread (post 2 iirc), there are a few patches not included but none of them seem related to my setup.
I went to check it again...and all is fine now?!? Both the server and pch were given a cold boot between tests so whtever it was has for now gone away....though no doubt it will return......

Weather plugin ok or nok?
oh forgt I'm using default_gradiff skin....any suggestions for a skin that may help...On GBPVR I always found slick skin caused problems on my iStar NMT with now very old firmware.
Slick used to cause problems, but so far for me Default isn't nearly as troublesome, although all the metadata slows things done even on the PC. I don't think you need to change now, feel free to send some logs.

As for the weather plugin, I never have used it, but I haven't seen the problems that caused me to not recommend it before.
