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Full Version: New "Simple" theme for Enhanced Web Admin
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I created a theme called Simple for the NEWA (Next PVR Enhanced Web Admin). I used ProtoType as the base of the theme.

Decompress the attached theme in: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\web\themes2

1.Changed the fav icon to the N.
2.Made the colors simple and the lines clean.
3.Fixed a crazy bug in the search results positioning.
4.Updated the linked icons.

To Do:
1. Fix the alignment between: _ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_TIMELINE_HEADER and _ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_CONTENTS

!!!!Did not change picture or music libraries because I don't have those enabled on my box.
!!Did not clean up the redundant CSS. Maybe in the future.
!Did not modify any of the JS.

Please share your thoughts.
Nice to see people creating themes for EWA.

Could you perhaps include a screen shot (in your post) to give people a feel for what it looks like.
It's good. A little on the bright side for my personal tast but I think the color combos and graphics are fine. Although you didn't do picture and music they appear ok....just plain looking.

If you clean up redundent CSS the othe thmese could be cleaned up as well. I had worked with another user to create the CSS based screens some time back and they abandoned ship on me and went dark on the internet.....I did some tweaks and create the blue and default themes from the prototype which we created. I am not a CSS expert by any means.

Not alot happening in the .js big thing is double clicking on an entry in the guide expands out the entry on the screen so you can see it without opening it up.