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Full Version: NPVR 2.2.6 stopped updating EPG
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NPVR has been updating the EPG at 7am every day without issue then on 26 Sept, it just stopped. The recording service has still been running as it has recorded shows since.

I thought maybe it is not waking up for some reason but then I saw in the log that in fact it was wide awake at 7am and busy "renew lease OK" every 10 seconds.

i will restart the pc tonight and see what tomorrow brings.

log attached if anyone (Sub?) has any ideas.

[actually I just saw a cmd.exe running. I wonder if i had a postprocessing.bat stuck (due to imagegrabber.exe being curiously missing from my pc). Sub, would a blocked bat file stop further bat files from running?]
When setting up a new pc today I noticed that MC2XML required updating - the website indicates that version 1.1 updates the beta expiry date - downloaded and now working.