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Full Version: Scheduled recording goes past scheduled end time
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I thought last week was just a freak event but this week, the same show kept recording way past the end time. A few others did this last week as well and I was not able to stop them without stopping the service.
I've removed the recurring program and added it manually again but it still went past. In one case, it was almost 30 minutes before I noticed it still recording. I'm thinking that it could possibly continue if not caught until there was no more space but that's just a guess.
Logs are attached.
I had recently switched the EPG update to 9 pm and its the same time as the show in question started to record. Could this be affecting the problem?
The second program it did this to was also during that same time but that's the only thing I can think of that's been changed.
It did it again and changing the EPG update makes no difference. And, some are multi recording. I've even deleted all recurring programs and started from scratch but each of these programs continue to record after the show is over and will until I stop the recording service.
Logs attached.
It's likely not related but between the first logs and the second logs, you have incorrectly re-added your NetworkRecorder tuner plugin. email me your npvr.db3 and NetworkRecorder.xml file, and I can fix it

I will do Martin but it is working fine except that after 4 or 5 channel changes it freezes up.
Thanks, database on the way.
Did it again tonite. I thought it was only happening on one channel but that's not the case. It's now done it on 3 different channels. Next time I think I'll leave it run to see just how long it will run. I'm guessing it will run until the drive fills up.
You'd probably need to tell me what recording name to look for in the logs, and what time the recording was supposed to start and finish.
In the logs attached to this post the show is Fringe. In my first post, it was Hawaii Five-0 and in the second post, it was Persons of Interest.
Fringe was from 8 to 9 (not including padding). Hawaii Five 0 was 9 to 10 and Persons of Interest is 8 to 9.
In that log it looked like Fringe started at 19:59:07, and was stopped at 21:02:01, which sounds about right with padding. Is this not correct?
No, I manually stopped the recording 15 minutes after it was over.
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