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Full Version: scripts not running in 2.3.6 build
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Last night I did some test recordings and it looks like none of my scripts (postprocessing.bat and parallelprocessing.bat and maybe updateepg.bat) didn't run. Paralellprocessing just had comskip and postprocessing just had one line to output %1 to a text file. Is there a switch in the config to enable this or is it done automatically?

I seem to be having a lot of problems setting this up Sad

OTOH, I've been stealing backgrounds from xbmc and they work great using submenu!!
It should be done automatically. Can you post your nrecord.log showing a recording or two.
The scripts have to be in the correct folder or they will not be seen by NPVR. On my Windows 7 system, the correct location is in the C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Scripts folder.
Here are the logs...

it looks like it ran the batch files...also, I noticed that it records in ts format. Is that normal? Can I record to mpg like in gbvr?

Yep, it's definitely running the batch files:

Quote:2012-01-23 23:37:01.614 [DEBUG][7] Starting: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Scripts\PostProcessing.bat "D:\PVR\Recordings\Two and a Half Men\Two and a Half Men_20120123_23002335.ts" 13 854 23

It's not possible to record .mpg files. NextPVR always record .ts files.
I found my was running from the programfiles npvr directory so I have to cd to the scripts directory first.