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Full Version: All shows marked as "first run"
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all programmes imported by my xmltv epg source are marked as "new" / "first run" / "premiere". The following gives an example of the xmltv source:

<programme start="20120222053000" stop="20120222090000" channel="">
Biikebrennen: Winter adé in Westerland
Facebook-Fasten: Sieben Wochen ohne Smartphone
Nach dem Donnerwetter - FC Bayern in Basel unter Druck
Krebskongress: Früherkennung und Nachsorge verbessern
Formel 1 - Schumi mit neuem 'Silberpfeil' auf Vettel-Jagd
Politischer Aschermittwoch: Schlagabtausch der großen Parteien

Moderation: Dunja Hayali, Mitri Sirin, Anja Heyde, Cherno Jobatey
Zu Gast: Prof. Werner Hohenberger, Alexander Dobrindt</desc>
Which aspects are taken in account by npvr to consider a show as "new"? And is "first run = true" the default for shows where the "new" state can't be determined?


alibert Wrote:And is "first run = true" the default for shows where the "new" state can't be determined?
Correct. All shows are defaulted to 'first run' unless we know otherwise. This is done so that shows will be recorded if the user's EPG doesnt supply this information.

The Schedules Direct EPG source supplies an attribute that identifies whether a show is a first run. Xmltv has a <previously-shown> tag which is used to identify if a show is a repeat.
Okay, thanks.

sub Wrote:Xmltv has a <previously-shown> tag which is used to identify if a show is a repeat.

The XMLTV that I am getting in the UK includes <previously-shown> for relevant shows as ...

  [color=#FF0000]  <previously-shown/>[/color]    
    <subtitles type="teletext">
      <language lang="en">English</language>

I made a mistake. This all works as expected.