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Full Version: Deleted individual episodes of recurring recordings get rescheduled
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Deleted individual episodes of recurring recordings get rescheduled every day. This has started up on both of my dvrs, both running v2.5.9 (Oct 2), unpatched.
Reproduced for one dvr; here's the logs & db.
DB is too large; here are the logs.
That's normal, if you delete an episode of a recurring recording it will be rescheduled the next time Update EPG is run (either nightly or manually). To avoid recording of one particular episode you have to cancel it after epg update and before actual recording time.
No with North America data the unique id is supposed to prevent this from happening.

mvallevand Wrote:No with North America data the unique id is supposed to prevent this from happening.

Perhaps he does not use an epg with unique identifiers?
The EPG has unique identifiers. The rescheduling seems to have started with v2.5.9, although I may only have noticed the rescheduling because of some recurring shows that are now in reruns, so that I am deleting episodes.
Got it sorted - two different problems.

DVR1 was not populating the RECENTLY_DELETED table in the db. After doing an sql dump and rebuilding the db, it's working again - deleted episodes of recurring recordings stay deleted. Db corruption, I guess. The db after rebuilding was 2/3 the size, so there was a lot of db lint.

DVR2 was using an EPG that was parsed using pBS' EPG Enhancement XSL Transform. By reverting to an unmodified EPG, deleted episodes of recurring recordings stay deleted. Perhaps the unique id and/or original air date are not recognized in the xsl transform.