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X-NEWA won't support teletext until the general XBMC player supports it. Teletext is a special feature of PVR LiveTV demux, but I am not sure that this will work with NextPVR currently. The patches for this are just getting committed today but it looks like it might be the htsp demux only.

agerdin Wrote:Reddwarf, have you been able to get teletext subs to work? I have several recordings with multiple teletext "streams" (199 SWE; 299 NOR; 599 DEN; 699 FIN) working fine in NPVR (ctrl-x) but none is displayed in XBMC.

I found a workaround, I added my recording directories to Videos in XBMC, and made a script using ProjectX that runs in PostProcessing.bat which extract the subtitles to a file named <recording> I'll post the files if you are interested (they will need som adaptation to fit your system). Now playing the recordings from Files in XBMC displays the subtitles (and NextPVR also displays them automatically).
Reddwarf Wrote:I found a workaround, I added my recording directories to Videos in XBMC, and made a script using ProjectX that runs in PostProcessing.bat which extract the subtitles to a file named <recording> I'll post the files if you are interested (they will need som adaptation to fit your system). Now playing the recordings from Files in XBMC displays the subtitles (and NextPVR also displays them automatically).

I've been using ProjectX in the past to extract the subs but if you have a premade script i would be happy to take it to start with.


Attached are the PostProcessing files, as you can see there's some stuff that is commented out, the .ini files correspond to the subtitle page that contains the wanted subtitle (they can be edited with Notepad). The channel numbers used for jumping in the bat file must be updated to fit your channel numbers.