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Full Version: Video freezing after a few channel changes (Ceton Infinitv)
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Been pounding away at getting npvr working by itself before trying to figure out problems in xbmc. Everything working well now up to the point I change a channel a time or two & eventually video freezes. Not always exactly repeatable on number of switches but usually just one or two. In attached logs you can see it on 3rd switch to Cartoon HD.
You still have the GetDuration 2 problem so I suspect it would be a matter of time before those channels fail.

Assuming the third channel isn't encrypted seein this in the logs

2013-01-13 23:13:47.318 [DEBUG][1] EC_STILL_GOT_VIDEO (2)

Might be helped by toggling the state of <AlternateOSDForMissingVideo> in config.xml

Ah, I see other threads concerning get duration (2). So I assume this is being looked in to? Anything I can do to help/test? I don't mind loaning unit if in NA.
mvallevand Wrote:You still have the GetDuration 2 problem so I suspect it would be a matter of time before those channels fail.

Might be helped by toggling the state of <AlternateOSDForMissingVideo> in config.xml


State was 'false". Toggling to "true" & a get a brief second of video then audio only until everything hangs again. Similar to what I experience in xbmc using plug in.
mediamad Wrote:Ah, I see other threads concerning get duration (2). So I assume this is being looked in to?
No, I haven't been looking into it. I don't really know anything about the Ceton device or Network Recorder, so I'm not well placed to provide support for it.

The easiest fix (from my perspective), is the Network Recorder plugin being modified to use the 'NPVR Writer' filter so that this handling it's TV data in the same way as all other capture devices - this would probably be enough to get the Network Recorder working. If that's not possible, then some else will have to do most of the leg work, since I don't have a Ceton or anyway to reproduce the problem. They'd need to give me a good clear description of what problem it causes, and the various logs, and will need to try patches, and probably repeat the process several times.

I'm not sure this 2 second thing is what you're seeing above though. It sounds like something in this chain of stuff (Ceton/SageWhatever/NetworkRecorder) produces bad streams/files that neither NextPVR or XBMC like.
What a disappointing response from sub since there probably ten or twenty logs with this scenario. From a NextPVR perspective the issue is during live tv whatever logic NextPVR uses to read the file duration seems to be sticking at 2 seconds (clearly shown in the logs). When these files are saved as recordings with or without a Timing.Info file, NextPVR is able to determine the correct current time and position. Samples which have failed, as have been uploaded and they play properly as recording.

I would think these samples are good enough to mimic live tv. If not, it might be possible, (assuming a reasonable internet upload speed) to record a live SD stream from someone who opens up their port. Sub I would be happy to work with someone if this would give you any benefit.

The problem for XBMC (this isn't any the XBMC forum) is that it doesn't like file with PMT/PAT headers that don't have a video stream and the wrong video PID is selected. I don't know about SiliconDust have analyzed these files and determined that they are valid mpeg-ts files.

I have looked a little bit into using DirectShow to save these files, but it is way beyond my level of sophistication. If that is the only solution because I want to help these Ceton users out, I will do more research if that is the only solution.

I'd need a set of logs that includes nrecord.log, npvr.log and the c:\temp\reader.log (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NPVR\LogSlipFile=1). Do you remember any of the logs posted include these 3 logs files?
Sub, I understand your situation the NPVR and NRercord logs are there but you have also asked for the reader.log file too (I think more than once), and unfortunately the OP'ers don't respond, as I expect they "move on".

@mediamad if you are able to give sub the logs that he is asking for he might be able to able to get to the bottom of this. Additionally I can also connect from my system to yours if need be, assuming you are able to open up your firewall. PM me if you are interested.

I'll be glad to generate logs this evening. Though I understand the the underlying principles of what is going on I'm not versed enough to debug. But am happy to do whatever I can. I have no problem setting up a remote session with Teamviewer for someone to dig around.

@mediamad thanks. I was thinking that if you could create a sample of an SD LiveTV file, (just let it run for 60 seconds) and upload the live***.ts file that is created to dropbox, I can fake your setup by feeding that file back into NetworkRecorder and in theory NextPVR should play it like LiveTV and not like a recording. This will give me something reproducible to work on with sub.

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