new to NextPVR, any plugins available to autocleanup old recordings or limit size of folder/storage warnings depending on space limitations ?
tuckerman Wrote:hello,
new to NextPVR, any plugins available to autocleanup old recordings or limit size of folder/storage warnings depending on space limitations ?
Not to my knowledge, but for recurring recordings you can set the number of recordings to keep.
This is not a plugin to NPVR, but I run the following batch file nightly with a windows scheduled task. It scans a named directory looking for files that are older than 14 days. (uncut recordings) It moves these files to a 'deleted' folder.
It then scans the NPVR recordings directory and does the same for files older than 60 days. (My limit for how long something stays in the recordings directory.)
When this is done, the deleted folder is removed.
I then run a command that looks for empty directories in the Recordings folder and removes them.
There is a parameter in the config file for NPVR that removes recorded filenames from the NPVR database if it can't find them on disk. After the cleanup, NPVR will remove the entries for the deleted files.
Although it works for me, use it/modify it at your own risk.
Rem Begin of batch file.
Rem Batch file to process nightly tasks. This batch file is run with Scheduled Tasks, every morning at 1 am
Rem Clean out the Uncut-Recordings directory. All files over 14 days old are deleted
Set logfile=F:\uncut-recordings\batchdelete-logs\dailybatch.log
time /t >%logfile%
mkdir "F:\Deleted-Files" >>%logfile%
forfiles /p "F:\uncut-recordings" /s /d -14 /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE move @path f:\Deleted-Files" >>%logfile%
Rem Clean out the Live TV Directory of files older than 3 days.
forfiles /p "C:\temp\LiveTV" /s /d -3 /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE move @path f:\Deleted-Files" >>%logfile%
Rem Delete Windows and Mac support files that keep directories from being emptied
cd "f:\recorded tv"
del /a /s ".ds_store"
del /a /s "thumbs.db"
Rem Clean out old recordings, older than 60 days
forfiles /p "f:\recorded tv" /s /d -60 /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE move @path f:\Deleted-Files" >>%logfile%
rmdir "f:\deleted-files" /s /q >>%logfile%
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/:- " %%i in ('date /t') do rename %logfile% %%j-%%k-%%l.log
Rem Delete any empty Directories in the Recordings Directory
for /F "tokens=1-8" %%a IN ('Dir "F:\Recorded TV" /AD /B') do rd "f:\Recorded TV\%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f %%g %%h"
Rem End of Batch File