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I have a small problem with my recurring recordings :
After one week the recurring recording doesn't record anymore.
I have made one recuring recording the week days morning, one the week days afternoon, one in the week end morning and one in the week end afternoon.
I refresh all my recordings the Sunday and I have them till the monday next week (8 days).
Is there something I am missing (I use the last version).
thank you
For recurring records to get recorded you have to update the EPG. NextPVR updates can be configured to run daily. I guess if that is too often for you you could create a Windows task.

If you have the daily task enabled and that isn't working, manually update the EPG in NectPVR and compress and upload the files in you the NPVR log folder.

Thank you for your time.
I have disabled the automatic update of the EPG because it was waking up the computer (sleep S3). I will enable it again and choose a time when I do a record so it won't be a problem anymore. Perhaps it would be interesting to allow the update to run once a day when the computer is on and not at a specific time?

Updating the EPG during recordings is not a good idea.

Thank you for warning me. I will try after a recording so it will be good.
U can also use a task scheduler to run the program "C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\NextPVR.exe -recurring" once a week so as to repopulate the pending recordings based on the recurring recordings.

Thank you for all the methods
If you only have one tuner you cannot make a recording and do an EPG update at the same time as both tasks need to control the tuner. This is why the default is to wake the computer overnight when it unlikely to be recording. However when I only had one tuner I sometimes had a recording which clashed with the EPG update but cannot now remember which task took priority. If you object to the computer waking overnight for some reason a possible alternative is you may be able to download the EPG data from the Internet which obviously does not need the tuner.
Personally I never use the EPG (I am still old school ). I know at what times are the things I want to record and I do a recurring recording.
so the task "C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\NextPVR.exe -recurring" is the best option for me.


I just wanted to tell you that it is working perfectly with the task (NextPVR.exe -recurring )
Thank you for the help