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on my dishnet receiver i noticed that unless i disable the dishnet updates, every day the dishnet receiver makes you press "select" in order continue watching.

if i disable the updates then I have to physical power off and back on this receiver according to what i read.

is there a way to have the hauppauge blaster program send a select before changing the channel? or is there something else someone can recommend?
If what you're talking about when the Dish box is idle for about 24 hours, it goes to a sort of idle/screensaver. What i have done is schedule a manual recording/channel change in the Dish setup menu. It's purpose was to change the channel so a VCR can record at a certain time. I have it set to change the channel to channel 2 everyday at 4am. This allows updates to still come through and screensaver to not activate. I've had it scheduled for many years now. The only time it's caused a problem is when i've recorded something that runs through this time, say on channel 31, and then at 4am the dish box changes to channel 2 and messes up the recording. But that happens very rarely (usually not recording anything at 4am).