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Full Version: NPVR not filling screen on wakeup
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I’m running Win7 home Pro
My system is Media PC to Yamaha AMP to TV
When I manually wake up the PC to watch my recordings NPVR comes up small in top-right corner of TV
Yes I have located the fill screen box and put a tick in it.
Even rebooted the PC after doing so and all options seem to fail to resolve the problem!

Anyone got any ideas.
this has to do with windows changing the desktop resolution as it comes out of sleep and then changing it back when it detects your TV. people usually solve this by disabling display detection in their device driver. AMD's Catalyst/Vision Engine Control Center has this setting, and I imagine nVidia has a setting like that too.
Thanks for that
I have spent some time drilling down and can’t find how or where to turn off auto detect
It appears to be a problem: other win7 users have or are having same problem.
I have re-installed Nvidia drivers and the problem is now intermittent so on the right track just no permanent fix yet.