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I have been trying to write a batch file that could run on my NPVR PC to cleanup .nfo files for shows that have been deleted from within XBMC. So far I have not had any luck. I would like to delete .nfo files for the deleted episodes and not the tvshow.nfo files. Anyone got some clever batch file writing skills that cares to help? Or is there a tool already for this that I am unaware of?
This should help get you going
@echo off
for /r %%G in ("*.nfo") do (call :check "%%G")
goto :eof
if "%~nx1"="tvshow.nfo" goto :eof
if exist %~pn1.ts goto :eof
@echo %~f1

Thanks. I'll try to look into more this week when I get another free moment.
With that nudge I got to this:
@echo off
for /r %%G in ("*.nfo") do (call :check "%%G")
goto :eof

if "%~nx1"=="tvshow.nfo" goto :eof
if exist "%~pn1.ts" goto :eof
echo "%~pnx1"
del "%~pnx1"

It works well.