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Full Version: How to import "filename.xml" is it possible?
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Is there any way to import to npvr database info from the optionally generated filename.xml ???

I am currently recording dvb-t(2) and dvb-s(2) files on a big PC. I then use videoredo to QSF from .ts to .mpg to improve skipping with the Samsung apps. I am outputting these to an always on small PC to view them from. I am manually running vidimport to create an xml file that picks up the metadata from filename.xml but the date/time is an hour out and it need manually editing to get rid or duplicates.

It would be nice to be able to directly import from filename.xml
To import recordings, you need to use C:\Users\Public\NPVR\recording-backup.xml

You can also directly import ".ts" files, in which case it'll use the available recording metadata files to assist in recreating the record. In this case you have to select the .ts file though, not an xml file. This method cant be used if you've changed it to .mpg or other file extensions.