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I originally thought this was a guideplus error, but I don't think so any more. On the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the final episode of the season was tonight. It was season 19, episode 159. For the past few months, I didn't have many episodes recording. After searching, I noticed s19e159 is converted to s019e015 in the epg_event of the database, instead of s019e159. So starting with episode 100, it showed as episode 10, and wouldn't record again until episode 110, then 120, etc. Season 16 starts on Monday, so I won't have this issue until next year. Could this be an error with converting a 3 digit episode number?
I'm pretty sure guideplus is responsible for that. sub would have the definitive answer, but as far as I know all NPVR does is use the value provided by the xmltv file, it doesn't manipulate it in any way.
That was my initial thought also, but then I went into the two mc2xml results, and here is the original result:

PHP Code:
    <programme start="20140925000500 -0400" stop="20140925003600 -0400" channel="">
title lang="en">The Daily Show With Jon Stewart</title>
sub-title lang="en">Tia Torres</sub-title>
desc lang="en">Pit Bull advocate Tia Torres.</desc>
presenter>Jon Stewart</presenter>
category lang="en">Comedy</category>
category lang="en">Episodic</category>
category lang="en">Series</category>
category lang="en">Talk Show</category>
episode-num system="onscreen">19158</episode-num>
episode-num system="ms_progid">1.EP002930532315</episode-num>
episode-num system="dd_progid">EP00293053.2315</episode-num>
        <new />
subtitles type="teletext" />
rating system="VCHIP">

and here is the guideplus version:

PHP Code:
<programme start="20140925000500 -0400" stop="20140925003600 -0400" channel="">
title lang="en">Daily Show With Jon StewartThe*</title>
sub-title lang="en">s19e158.Tia Torres</sub-title>
desc lang="en">2014-09-24Pit Bull advocate Tia Torres.</desc>
episode-num system="dd_progid">EP00293053.2315</episode-num>
episode-num system="xmltv_ns">18.14/0</episode-num>
first-run />
category lang="en">Comedy</category>
category lang="en">Episodic</category>
category lang="en">Series</category>
category lang="en">Talk Show</category>

The subtitle shows s19e158, and when this is brought into the database, the subtitle stays the same, but this is where the unique_id is created, and that makes it "Daily Show With Jon Stewart, The*-s019e015". Oh, I just looked - because of guideplus adding the s19e158, nPVR uses this instead of the built in episode-num (EP00293053.2315) - so theoretically I wouldn't have this issue if I don't use guideplus to perform the switch of subtitles. These are all assumptions on my part, as I don't know how everything works between processes.
yeah, I'm not sure why the unique_id field isn't being filled with the dd_progid field from the xml... that's what I get here.