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Full Version: Extended end time didn't extent
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Last night I had a recording scheduled for 7:30 - 11:00pm. About 9:30 they went into rain delay do I extended the recoding to 2am using the NEWA web interface "Extend end time" (not padding) to extend the recording 3 hours to 2am. Everything looked great and showed up in the NEWA manage recordings list as an end time of 2am. This morning I awoke to find the recoding ended at the "normal" time, 11pm.

Disappointing, but my question is why did it occur, or in this case, not occur? I use NPVR as a recorder 99% of the time and virtually all my recordings are set up and managed using NEWA. So what's the "proper" way to extend an in progress recording?


Could be a NEWA problem if UJB doesn't ReloadRecordings() after the .Save() API call. One solution would be to use the NextPVR client.

For NASCAR and several other North American sports there is my NextEnd utility that will do this for you. I screwed up this weekend's races I forgot all about them though because of hockey playoffs.

I'll look into this... I know sub has made changes in and around this part of the API and could be he stepped on the update actually taking effect......and if it is necessary to do a ReloadRecordings after the .save() that is new to me and was introduced somewhere along the line without me being aware. I will let you know.
Hi UJB, I should have added I think that the reload is only needed for in-progress progress, so that NRecord knows to change the end time.

I was in-fact missing a secondary API call that finalizes the change with the scheduler. Attached is the patch.

EDIT: Updated attachment to include fix in the service layer.
Thank you! I'll test it out later though. Just got home after a long day and have to be back up in 4 hours. Work seems to get in the way of the fun stuff in life Sad
It seems to work but maybe with some glitches; I did a test recording of King of the Hill S12E10 from 9:28-10:02 (2min padding front & back)

I then extended the time 10min (@ 9:33PM). The gadget shows no change in start/end time, NEWA - shows 9:33PM - 10:10PM which would be 10min extension but ignores the padding of 2 min. Not a big deal and probably how it's supposed to react. Only issue is the gadget didn't pick up the new time even with several refreshes.

So then I extended the padding 10 min doesn't seem to make any difference the gadget still shows - 9:28PM-10:10PM and NEWA still shows 9:33PM - 10:10PM

Not sure if it's working as planned or if there's some tweaking needed. I'm happy with it as it is though as I cam extend a in-progress recording, just need to keep in mind the "rules"

So, something still isn't working right. I'm not sure if it's Npvr or NEWA but I set up a recording for tonight's nascar race from 7pm-8:30pm and extended the end time 4 hours (360min).

Everything looked great when I set it up showing in both NEWA and the gadget a record time of 7pm to 12:30am. However, I noticed about 9pm it had stopped recording. Checking the logs shows it stopped recording at 8:30pm which was the end of the "show" so the enxgended time didn't work.


I'm seeing this recently - more than once, so not just a messed up selection. Is this still an open item?
