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Full Version: Question about resuming NPVR when waking client from sleep mode.
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It seems that if I am watching Live TV on a client PC, then put the client PC to sleep while live TV is playing, then later wake the PC, NPVR freezes most of the time.
After waking the PC, I either get a black screen or the Guide is displayed. If the guide is displayed, sometimes I can resume watching LiveTV, but most of the time the guide freezes. In order to recover from this "freeze" is to shutdown, then restart NPVR on the client.

Is this the expected behavior of NPVR in this scenario?
I don't know if this behavior is expected, but it doesn't surprise me. All scenarios like this have probably not been tested with all possible server-client configurations. The testers can probably weigh in on this.

I have found that NPVR prefers to be handled gracefully, with live TV stopped before allowing the system to sleep, recordings stopped rather than allowed to play to the end (this has been good in later versions, however).

I think Sub has mentioned several times that server-client is not as robust as stand-alone. I only use stand-alone.
Well, I was afraid that that might be the answer. As a work-around I wrote a script the fires off from a wake-from-sleep event which, in turn, terminates the existing Nextpvr process, wakes the server (if it is sleeping via magic packet) and then restarts the nextpvr program on the client. Works great.