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So advancedsettings.xml seems to be like the cool club that people talk about in passing, but never directly address Smile

Apologies if I missed the obvious explanation - I did search but didn't find the idiots guide Smile

I'm lost - It didn't get installed when I added the script so I guess I have to create it myself, but I can't see any indication what I can put in there.

Any help gladly received Smile

(I'm looking to use SMB so I can make use of comskip btw if that makes any difference!)
First start here

I you have problems increase your Kodi log level to Debug and upload your Kodi.log file showing the file not working in x-newa and working from a Kodi video library.

Another easier way is to record to a UNC sharename in NextPVR and Kodi should use it.

Brilliant - Thanks!