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First of all - great project, well working app. I am running it on two Samsungs (UE55H6290 and UE40F6270).

I have found out the the app does WOL. However, my server needs a bit longer to wake up. Is there a way of increasing the WOL wait until the app times out and returns to the server config screen?

newyankee Wrote:First of all - great project, well working app. I am running it on two Samsungs (UE55H6290 and UE40F6270).

I have found out the the app does WOL. However, my server needs a bit longer to wake up. Is there a way of increasing the WOL wait until the app times out and returns to the server config screen?


Sorry to disappoint you but my app doesn't do WOL.
I don't think it's even possible to perform a WOL from javascript without help from another service relaying the WOL.
Your computer is probably configured to wake on network activity or your router has some clever way of sending the magic packets to wake the computer.

The timeout is hard coded ATM but that can be changed. I'll put in on the wish-list.

How much time does your server need to wake up?

By "server config screen" do you mean the first one with a single IP address or the app config (0-0-0) with all the different options?

fred250 Wrote:Sorry to disappoint you but my app doesn't do WOL.
You are right of course. I was under the impression that I had set the power options on the ethernet controller to "magic packet only" but that was not the case as I just found out. But this works well enough without preventing the server from sleeping.

fred250 Wrote:The timeout is hard coded ATM but that can be changed.
How much time does your server need to wake up?
35 seconds to the logon screen but apparently, npvr service is not started by then. Timed out again. About 45 seconds from first start of the app to the npvr menu on the tv with 4-5 intermediate button presses to bypass the IP config.

fred250 Wrote:By "server config screen" do you mean the first one with a single IP address or the app config (0-0-0) with all the different options?
The single IP config screen.

Thanks very much for considering
Changed to a 90 sec timeout.
Update using the Samsung tab in Smart TV apploader.

fred250 Wrote:Changed to a 90 sec timeout.

The 90sec timeout is sufficient. Works a treat now.

Thanks Fred!