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Full Version: Itermittent Issues with HDHomeRun Prime
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Hi Sub (or anyone else who can help),

Every so often (maybe every couple of months), my recordings just start failing for no apparent reason. The failure mode is that it creates the files for the recording, but doesn't write any data. The recording shows up as failed in the history. My usual fix is to reinstall NextPVR, restart, and it's usually back up and running. Today, however, it took me well over an hour to get things back working. What finally seemed to work was manually running the firewall commands that show up in the NRecord.log (NRecord.log.2 in the attached zip), but also changing the "netsh.exe firewall" to "netsh.exe advfirewall". When I ran just "netsh.exe firewall" it said it worked, but also said that the firewall command is deprecated and advfirewall should be used. It may be a good idea to update those commands.

Would you mind taking a quick look at the logs that I've attached to see if you can spot any obvious issues. I've renamed the logs from when it was failing to with "- Fail.log" and the logs now that it's working with "- Working.log" I would really like to root cause this to avoid this issue in the future.

Thanks for the help!