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I don't know if here is the best place to ask for this.

I'm using schedules direct for next pvr now. I used to use an xmltv file from a provider that doesn't exists anymore.

My question is.

I'm brazilian and I know that schedules direct is outputing even for the Brazilian listing genres only in english.

Is there any way to have some sort of layer in between the schedules direct and nextpvr so the genres can be translated from a table?


you'd have to use an xmltv grabber for schedules direct (MC2XML will do it, as will XMLTVProject), then process the resulting XMLTV file to replace all the english <Genre> tags with your translated strings before feeding it to NPVR (so this would all be done in the UpdateEPG.bat script). I believe sed ( can be used to do the replacements, but I don't know the syntax.
johnsonx42 Wrote:you'd have to use an xmltv grabber for schedules direct (MC2XML will do it, as will XMLTVProject), then process the resulting XMLTV file to replace all the english <Genre> tags with your translated strings before feeding it to NPVR (so this would all be done in the UpdateEPG.bat script). I believe sed ( can be used to do the replacements, but I don't know the syntax.

Instead of sed, you could use xslt transforms based on pBS's excellent work here:

If you were going to use sed, this is what the command would look like if you did it on Linux:
sed -i -e "s/Comedy/Comédia/g" -e "s/EnglishGenre2/BrazilianTranslation2/g" -e "s/EnglishGenre3/BrazilianTranslation3/g" epg.xml
Replace epg.xml with whatever filename you actually use. You could have more than three listed, I just wanted to show examples.
Maybe the NextPVR translation engine (ie create Languages\Brasil.xml) would work on all NextPVR screen display?

Using the native translation engine is probably going to be a lot more supportable in the future, and could be used by other users as well.
mvallevand Wrote:Maybe the NextPVR translation engine (ie create Languages\Brasil.xml) would work on all NextPVR screen display?

I don't think it will work on Genre since the Genre definitions are stored in npvr.db3...

Thanks for all Advices.

I cannot change the Genre with the translation engine sadly.

What I did is a simple exe to manipulate the xml file from mc2xml changing the ratings and also translatin the genres.

If anyone want's to see the simple code I can provide it.

