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Full Version: Hauppauge 45-button remote oddity with 4.0.4 (171121)
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Noticed that my Hauppauge remote was not working, then it was, then again it was not!
Turns out that if I start NextPVR with the green button on the remote, all remote buttons work fine. But if I start it from the device status button in the tray, the remote will not work. Most odd. I wondered if the green button was starting a different version of NextPVR but both ways show version 4.0.4 (171121) in settings...
NextPVR doesn't know anything about your remote - it's just driven by the keyboard. Is the keyboard control still working correct for you in the new build? Nothing has changed with any of this stuff, so I wouldn't expect it to be any different
Maybe an issue with focus not being on the NextPVR window?
Yeah sorry guys after rebooting it was all fine and the remote works no matter how NextPVR is started - it was just a weird thing I noticed after upgrading last night. This thread can be closed.