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Full Version: X-NEWA keeping host PC awake
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For a while now I have had an issue where my PC would not go to sleep.  I would often find it still running in the morning in spite of the fact that it stopped being used or recording many hours earlier.  A restart of the PC or the recording service would put it back to normal where it happily goes to sleep 20 mins after any activity.

Given I have a bit more time at the moment… I have learned that it happens only after I have used by bedroom TV which runs a Raspberry pi3 running X-NEWA.  And in looking in the “Web” log I can see that the something keeps talking or trying to talk to it (Heartbeat) until I restart the recording service or reboot the PC.  I get the impression this might go on for ever.

Its not a biggy but I would quite like to see if I can resolve this just to have the PC sleep when its not needed.  I have attached logs and this is what I did and when;
I stopped the recording service and deleted all logs
At 13:12 I started the recording service
At 13:15 I started my Pi.  It auto starts X-NEWA
At 13:18 I shut down my Pi using the “Shutdown” after exiting X-NEWA.  The Pi shuts down and 5 mins later the power to it also shuts off.  (This is a function of the USB port on the TV)
At 13:25 I restarted the recording service and zipped logs.

Any help appreciated Smile
Sounds like you might have your sleep settings enabled for network activity.

Thanks for responding Martin but not that I can see although happy to be proved wrong. In the power options only "Wake on LAN" is on and in the adapter settings the only things I can see relate to "Wakeing" rather than preventing sleep.

I guess my question would be, why is there all that network activity to a device that is off which stops doing so after a recording service restart as can be seen in the differences between the 2 web.log files? (Web.log has no additional entries since the restart at 13:25 and there is now a second web.log with only 1 entry at 13:47)
UI client activity will stop when the socket disconnects. I didn't really see what you were explaining though.

Do you have a share to your PC open. That could keep a PC open.

Thanks again for responding. I do have a share or 2 but this problem does not occur until I start the X-NEWA client and continues after I stop it.

If I start the PC in the morning it will happily turn on and off all day long and continue to do so until I start the Pi. Then after shutting down the Pi it won't sleep. My observation in the web.log files is that something keeps on going continuously after the remote (Pi) is out of the picture.

020-04-03 13:21:23.432 [DEBUG][21] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
2020-04-03 13:21:24.306 [DEBUG][20] Loading FanArt from: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Shows
2020-04-03 13:21:24.306 [DEBUG][20] FanArt Dictionary Count: 1168
2020-04-03 13:21:24.306 [DEBUG][20] Clearing Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:21:24.306 [DEBUG][20] FanArt Dictionary Count: 0
2020-04-03 13:21:24.353 [DEBUG][20] FanArt loaded from directory.... start time: 3/04/2020 1:21:24 p.m. end time: 3/04/2020 1:21:24 p.m. total elapsed seconds: 0.46
2020-04-03 13:21:24.353 [DEBUG][20] FanArt Dictionary Count: 1168
2020-04-03 13:21:24.353 [DEBUG][20] Folders processed: 0
2020-04-03 13:21:24.353 [DEBUG][20] Fanart files processed: 1168
2020-04-03 13:21:24.353 [DEBUG][20] Total files processed: 1828
2020-04-03 13:21:53.447 [DEBUG][5] ********** Checking VLC Heartbeat Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:21:53.447 [DEBUG][5] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
2020-04-03 13:22:23.461 [DEBUG][4] ********** Checking VLC Heartbeat Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:22:23.461 [DEBUG][4] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
2020-04-03 13:22:53.475 [DEBUG][5] ********** Checking VLC Heartbeat Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:22:53.475 [DEBUG][5] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
2020-04-03 13:23:23.490 [DEBUG][5] ********** Checking VLC Heartbeat Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:23:23.490 [DEBUG][5] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
2020-04-03 13:23:24.317 [DEBUG][21] Loading FanArt from: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Shows
2020-04-03 13:23:24.317 [DEBUG][21] FanArt Dictionary Count: 1168
2020-04-03 13:23:24.317 [DEBUG][21] Clearing Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:23:24.317 [DEBUG][21] FanArt Dictionary Count: 0
2020-04-03 13:23:24.363 [DEBUG][21] FanArt loaded from directory.... start time: 3/04/2020 1:23:24 p.m. end time: 3/04/2020 1:23:24 p.m. total elapsed seconds: 0.46
2020-04-03 13:23:24.363 [DEBUG][21] FanArt Dictionary Count: 1168
2020-04-03 13:23:24.363 [DEBUG][21] Folders processed: 0
2020-04-03 13:23:24.363 [DEBUG][21] Fanart files processed: 1168
2020-04-03 13:23:24.363 [DEBUG][21] Total files processed: 1828
2020-04-03 13:23:53.504 [DEBUG][5] ********** Checking VLC Heartbeat Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:23:53.504 [DEBUG][5] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
2020-04-03 13:24:23.519 [DEBUG][23] ********** Checking VLC Heartbeat Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:24:23.519 [DEBUG][23] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
2020-04-03 13:24:53.533 [DEBUG][21] ********** Checking VLC Heartbeat Dictionary
2020-04-03 13:24:53.533 [DEBUG][21] +++++No entries in VLC Heartbeat Dictionary.
Those are newa background tasks not related to knewc or xnewa active and they happen whenever the web server is activated. They should not keep your pc on.

OK. Thanks for having a look.