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Full Version: knewc 3.0.0~a1 for Matrix
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Now that Kodi Matrix is in alpha and looking better and better all the time, I thought I should post  knewc with the required changes to a few API calls.  I haven't figure out how to have a repository on github with Leia and Matrix version so for now this as only only via a zip file.

Functionally it should be the same as 2.8.0

I ended up just creating a new repo for my Matrix stuff. Any other choice I saw seemed like magic to me.
I installed it here, and for what I'm doing everything worked fine (I just use the web client part, so I didn't look at any of the skinned stuff).
Thanks for checking, UI client is really all I care about, the other functions I just use for testing the JSON API and bulk deleting. 3 API calls changed/broke since the last working knewc, they really seem to be trying to make v19 hard for python developers.

Do you still test on macos? If so did you ever try with the mouse and xdotools?

I do still do my testing on the Mac, but I've never tried with those tools.

And yea, Matrix is going to be a bear for Python developers for sure. The Python3 part is really needed, and my sense is that they are trying to get all the pain into this release so that they can make it easier for subsequent releases. So they're deleting old APIs that have sometimes been depreciated for years but still worked even in Kodi 18.