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Full Version: "Failed to Start Requested Stream"
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I'm new to NextPVR and trying to set things up.

A channel scan showed all the expected local channels but when trying to play any of them I get an error message "Failed to Start Requested Stream"

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 with a Hauppauge Quad-HD  internal tuner

Any ideas on where to look  next are most appreciated!

You need to post your zipped logs

Thanks for your quick response... and how to get the log files!
You are using a custom folder for recording. Did you follow the instructions for setting up permissions on the recording folders?


No, I didn't follow those instructions.... must've missed 'em somewhere. Thanks for the pointer and I'll study what it says and post status afterward.

Thanks for your quick responses.

I've changed the permissions as you suggested.  I think it's making progress because now when I start a channel I get a different message:  "Starting Device, Please Wait" but nothing happens after that.  I've included the log file this time!

Thanks for your help!

I think you just need to restart the server after the earlier errors.

sudo service nextpvr-server restart


Man, you're good! after the restart the channels are coming in... This kind of stuff seems to be 'take two steps forward and then take one back' because now I can't seem to get the guide data to load.

I just subscribed this morning to 'Schedules Direct' but can't seem to get it to load. I'm going to see if I can figure it out some more, but if I need help can I ask you in this thread or start another?

You've been extremely helpful! Thanks!

MLP (by the way, I'm a Martin too! - Just a very old one!)
One problem can be because you are starting the service up too quickly for your network, there are other thread on

2021-01-14 10:25:10.322 [WARN][1] Error discovering HDHR devices: Network is unreachable Network is unreachable

Don't forgot to read more of the wiki you need to auto map SD as explained here I'd use Numbers and Identifiers for your OTA lineup.


Thanks for all your help! Looks like the guide is now working after following your directions.

I very much appreciate it!